Tight Buns

A whole week has gone by and I haven’t written anything! I’ve been busy busy busy, pureeing meat and fish (yuck!), going to baby swimming and music classes, working my ass off at the gym……God I feel tired just thinking about it. I’ve also been going to bed regularly at 9pm due to a certain someone’s erratic sleeping………….

So here’s what’s been happening.

Bristol and Plymouth last weekend was great fun. The bridesmaid dresses are beautiful-they’re a kind of lettuce green which sounds yuck but it really isn’t. Mine fits like a glove and skims over my baby flab like a dream! The wedding is on 1st June and I can’t wait. I LOVE weddings-great excuse to boogie like a loon and drink the bar dry!

Plymouth, where my inlaws are, was fine as well but Sunday was incredible stressful. William went through a horrendous phase last week of newborn-style sleeping. He was waking every couple of hours through the night and nothing-I mean nothing-could soothe him back to sleep. It was hideous and I felt like a walking zombie. To this day I don’t know what caused it-he’s been through some funny phases in his 7 months-but he’s back to his normal 7pm-5am/6am now, which suits me just fine!  Although getting up at 5am ain’t fun. By the time it’s 9am it feels like it should be lunchtime. Which is very wrong.

Anywhooo, on Sunday the broken nights were really catching up with me and I was irritable and tired. We got to Plymouth and William had clearly forgotten who Mike’s mum and dad were cos he spent the whole afternoon screeeeeeeeeeaaaammmiiinnngg. I honestly couldn’t cope. It so wasn’t like him-he’s such a happy baby! On Monday he was back to his normal smiley self and we even left him with Mike’s mum and dad and went to lunch for a couple of hours! It was bliss!

Crawling-he’s managed to pull himself up on all fours several times now and he’s trying so hard to crawl, bless him. He’s this close to doing it but it could still be ages before he gets the hang of the co-ordination.

My mum & dad came over yesterday and they couldn’t believe how much he was rolling, grabbing at things, examining objects in his chubby little hands, launching himself forward, ‘talking’…..I was very proud.

Work-I’m telling them I’m not coming back on Monday. I feel sick just thinking about it but I’ll be relieved when it’s done.

Childminding-I’m going to do joint childminding with my lovely friend Jen who I met through the course. Just got to get the house ready now and hopefully I’ll be able to start in May. I need to get working ASAP as my money is running out fast and I keep on spending money on silly things-like £70 on developing photos of Sausage. Oooops.

Working my ass off at the gym-Ok slight exaggeration but I’m enjoying it! Never really been a gym bunny and my gym is full of skinny minnies in full make-up showing off their tiny buns in their trendy Nike and Adidas pink gymwear (I sooooo don’t cut it in my baggy Budweiser t-shirt, baggy sweatpants, tomato red face and hair frizzing wildly like a clown)……BUT it gives me a good buzz. I doubt I’m losing weight-I don’t see any difference, and I’m not doing any dieting yet-but I don’t care, that’s not really why I’m doing it.

Tonight my lovely friend Deirdre and her hubby Mike are coming over for drinks and a takeaway. A night with them usually results in me throwing my guts up-they are biiiiiiig drinkers-so let’s hope I can pace myself tonight eh!

I’ll be back later to catch up with all my faves.

Lots of love Cookie xxxxxxxx

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March 24, 2007

Have a lovely evening hun :o) xxxx

March 24, 2007

You sound so good all around – good for you! I hope you don’t throw your guts up, slow and steady wins the race. 😀

March 24, 2007

Ooh I love green! That sounds pretty too 🙂

Have a great evening! xxx

throwing guts up! blah! thats a horrible feeling! im glad william is calming back down though with his sleeping. you just tell him brittany said “mommy needs sleep too!!”.

My sister is having BRIGHT ORANGE bridesmaids dresses… I’m NOT a bridesmaid and I’m quite glad!!

March 24, 2007

have fun tonight! yay i hope he crawls soon. Way to go with the gym!

March 24, 2007

Ace that the bridesmaids dresses are nice…usually they’re either a hideous colour OR a horribly unflattering cut/style. Now remember to pace yourself tonight, glass of water between every drink (yeah, right!), and have a HUGE glass of water before bed. And a paracetamol. 😉

March 24, 2007

Tee hee.. I’m a joggers and baggy t-shirt kinda gal too. Me and lycra just don’t mix well. Wobble city. You sound so happy!

March 25, 2007

Hope you had a fun night last night :o) Angelo’s so close to crawling too but I think it’ll be a while before he actually gets the hang of it. Yay for your bridesmaid dress looking so great! We ordered my sister’s size 12 (the right size) last week and the woman in the shop put on the form ‘Bridesmaid needs to lose weight to fit in size ordered’ – my sister was so annoyed!

March 26, 2007

RYN: Yeah we have Taco Bell LOL Barnes and Noble is a book store/coffee shop. Bennigans is an Irish restaurant of sorts–fake Irish I guess.

March 26, 2007

RYN: pinkeye = conjunctivitis Yuck. I have my scan on Friday morning!! Excited and a little bit worried, but I think that’s normal. There will be bump pics, but I’ll wait a wee bit longer until there’s a REAL bump instead of a pie-shaped one. ROFL!

March 26, 2007

ryn: 6-7. I get five year olds at the beginning but by AZ state law they would have to be six by september 1st (because in K they have to be 5 by sept 1)