I heart wine :-)

I’m drinking some right now! Fish and chips from the chippy tonight. Yum yum. To my friends across the pond-do you have fish and chip shops in the states?? Is it just a British thing? J’adore greasy chips and a nice fat fishcake.  Mmmmm my mouth just filled with saliva.

News in brief!

* Mike came and watched William and I swimming today at our Waterbabies class! William went underwater 3 times. He absolutely loves it and I’m sure he was showing off because Daddy was there.

* He has a bit of a cough & cold but is fine. A few months ago I would have worries myself sick over any little ailment. Now I’m much more blase. He’s such a healthy little chunk.

* He tried chicken this week and loved it. Tonight he had cauliflower cheese and-quel surprise-loved it. Is there anything my little gannet won’t eat?!

* We had 2 fab nights this week where he slept through from 7pm til 5am but last night it was: 12.45, 2.30, 3.45 and then 4.45. Mike bought him downstairs at 5am! I think I’m going to have to accept that William is just not a great sleeper.  I’m sure he’ll get better.*crosses fingers*. But by that time I will be a gibbering sleep-deprived wreck, rocking in my chair and dribbling with huge saucers under my eyes. I’ve had so many months of crap sleep. Hey hey ho and a nonny nonny no.

* Off to Bristol tomorrow for a bridesmaid dress fitting-I’m a bridesmaid for my friend Sarah in June! Woop woooooooop! I know I’m going to be the ‘fattest’ bridesmaid as all the others are UK size 8-12, but that’s ok *weeps silently and reaches for a doughnut*.

Right, I’m off to throw some more wine down my neck. Have a great weekend my lovelies,

love CookieMonster xxxxxxxxxxxx 

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March 16, 2007

You lush. Jake loves chunks of chicken, but he hates pureed meat. Give the kid a drumstick! Post more pics of the little dude! xxx PS – F&C is def a British thing. One of their greatest inventions too!

March 16, 2007

Oh sweetie…One of the teachers I work with has been asked to be a bridesmaid, and she has started weightwatchers saying the exact thing you just did about the fat bridesmaid. But you are beautiful..thats all that matters!!!

March 16, 2007

I’ve never seen a fish & chip shop over here, but I can’t say for certain that there aren’t any. What’s a gannet? *grins* I’ve been reading you for awhile but I think I’ve only noted once or twice. Enjoy your night!

March 16, 2007

MMm…wine. Have an extra glass for me and the spawn, m’kay? The chippy is def a British thing although there was one by the salty*parents house in the city, it was considered a ‘specialist eatery’. ROFL!

March 16, 2007

Mmm… wine sounds really good right now. Have a glass for me!

March 16, 2007

Oh yeah, and I was about 4 months pregnant and a bridesmaid. Not fun, lemme tell ya. It was July, over 100 degrees. But then again, the bride was also pregnant and so were 2 other bridesmaids. It was a preggo wedding! 😛

March 16, 2007

Youre gorgeous hun dont be silly. Enjoy your weekend xxxxxxxxxxxx

March 16, 2007

no fish and chip shops in the US… unless you could long johns, which is a fast food place… but its not great quality

March 16, 2007

i hope that he starts sleeping better soon.

March 17, 2007

Mmmmmm fat juicy fish and chips. Mmmmmm. From what I’ve heard from my buddy holidaying in London at the moment, your chips ain’t got anything on our good ole New Zealand chips. RYN: This boy is giving me a heartattack daily! I think i forgot to write up in my diary but kaia is crawling. Hes too mobile actually. He started caterpillar crawling just on 6 months and is now fully off and about. <P> I feel cheated. LOL. I thought i had at least another month before i had to grow eyes in the back of my head. From what you were saying about William and his crawling, he’ll be off anytime soon! Watch out. Your hair is about to turn grey!

March 17, 2007

fish n chips in australia hehehe. yummo

March 17, 2007

You’re not going to look like a fat bridesmaid, you’ll look great :o) Hope William starts sleeping better – Angelo’s doing exactly the same at the moment (some good nights, some awful) so I know how you feel *sighs*

March 17, 2007

Hmmm I’m in the US and in my area we have several little fish-n-chips joints, nice & greasy 😉 Though they are surely a British invention, we still have them (at least, like I said, in my area)!

March 18, 2007

Good to hear that William is doing so well with his food and his swimming. I’m sure you won’t be the fat bridesmaid, but if you’re worried take several boxes of doughnuts to the fitting for the other bridesmaids to eat! Oh and Matt Stevens….. http://www.bathrugby.co.uk/264_314.php Not bad, but I don’t usually go for the rugby physique. To bulky for me. Bet you’re the only one of my faves who knows who Mike Catt is!! xxx

March 19, 2007

yum fish and chips! i haven’t had that in ages. i’m sure you’ll look great at your friends wedding. thank you for the note by the way.

ive never had fish n chips…it sounds sooooo good right now though. aww im sorry william is sleeping like a poop. i cant believe hes still out of schedule as old as he is. but then again, all babies are different. whats his nighttime routine?

RYN: It’s not so much that I’m worried that she doesn’t love me–it’s just that my “quality time” with her is so limited, so when she spends the whole time fussing at me, I feel like I got robbed. Make sense?