
That’s what it is right now. Waaaaaaay too early to be up and writing on here. But we’ve had a really really bad night with William.

I think I’ve been pretty lucky with William’s sleeping. Ok, he’s never been a 7pm-7am kinda guy but it’s been good nonetheless. The early morning waking thing pisses me off but I can cope with it.

However. The last 3 nights have been hell. On Sat and Sun nights he was awake more than he was asleep but wasn’t really crying-just grizzly, commando crawling round his cot, rolling around, unable to self settle. I’m such a damned light sleeper, every little grizzle wakes me up. I’m 99% sure that he’s teething as those lovely rosy red hot cheeks are back and my usual fail-safe-stroking his back til he nods off-wasn’t working.

Tonight’s been the worse ever. I gave him tomato for dinner. My brother is allergic to tomatoes. Tomatoes certainly didn’t agree with William. An hour of screaming combined with weird tummy noises and gas followed by a whole lotta puke. He screamed every time we put him in his cot so he ended up sleeping on Mike like a newborn in the lounge til 2am. He’s now asleep in the pram in the hall but waking up every 10-15 minutes. My poor baby. I have had about 3 hours sleep and feel like a zombie.

He’s nearly 7 months old and this is the first time, apart from when he was a newborn, that we’ve had a few really bad nights, so I guess I can’t complain. But I want to anyway. Thank God Mike’s working from home today.

Anyway! I’ve been away as our laptop got a nasty virus and we’ve only just got internet back! I’ve got so much catching up to do (again!).

The news in brief:

*My little man is growing up so fast. He’s learnt this kind of commando crawling thing where he tucks his knees up under him and launches forward. Once he spots a toy he wants and realises he can’t get it, he’s off. It’s so sweet.

*He’s so so active right now. He spends most of his days rolling, grabbing, biting, flipping, commando crawling, ‘talking’…….I can’t take my eyes off him for a second. Bathtimes are so much fun now as he splashes and plays with his toys! He loves it. He can also sit unaided for up to half a minute! That’s my boy.

*He’s also much more sociable. Going to the creche at the gym twice a week is working a treat. I really don’t want a clingy baby who will only be held by me or Mike.

*Weaning (tomatoes aside) still going fantastically. He eats anything I give him. He’s now 18lbs.

* I completed my childminding course on Saturday. Now I start the registration. I’m really really excited about it. It’s going to be so much fun.

I can hear him stirring so I’d better go. More details later. Man! I need coffee.

lots of love Cookie xxxxxxxxxxx

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Oh honey I hope he feels better real soon! And I hope you get some rest soon, too. I need a bit myself. Its just so hard to sleep with this many worries. Im still in shock over Tim’s death even though it was on the 10th..I still dont want to believe it..and now worrying about Jr & Nanna..*sigh* I dont know what my family is going to do. I cant help but cry off & on. I just feel like my heart is breaking constantly..I wish I could be a better friend but right now Im only a partial person..the rest of me is so full of grief I can barely think coherantly.. *hugs*

March 13, 2007

I hope you get some sleep soon *hugs*. Poor you and poor William :o( Angelo’s active all the time these days too – I can’t remember what it was like to have a newborn who stayed in the same place when I put him down! It’s exhausting not being able to look away for a second isn’t it?! Congrats on completing the childminding! Hope the Ofsted part all goes OK *fingers crossed for you*

March 13, 2007

Congratulations hunny :o) Im happy for you. Sorry about Williams bad sleeping patterns at the moment. Has he started teething yet? I hope he gets better soon. Loves xxxxx

March 13, 2007

Awwww poor SleepyCookie! It definitely sounds like teething–poor kiddo!

We had a rough night with Ari the night before last, and I know it’s her teeth–it looks like she’s working on several right now, poor thing. Hope William feels better soon! Don’t you love this stage? Ari is so active too–hasn’t fgured out crawling yet, but she loves to stand. And she grabs at EVERYTHING, lol.

March 13, 2007

Ugh. Not a fun night. Sounds like a combo of teething and William practicing being mobile! Sam went through a phase at about the same age, when he started to figure out how to move around on hands and knees where every time he woke in the night, he’d start to crawl and then wake himself all up and wouldn’t resettle! Frustrating. Hope you get a nap in today. Yay for finishing your course though! Well done you!

March 13, 2007

So sorry hon! Hopefully it gets better soon! I was so grateful when Alexis turned 1 and had almost all of her teeth in, and didn’t get anymore until she was 2. Now I’m so happy she isn’t teething anymore! But I get to go through this all over with Kayla. So in a few months I will remember what it’s like!

March 13, 2007

Im sorry that he is having some hard nights. Good luck with him, i hope he gets back to his routine soon. It sounds like that age is soooo much fun!

March 13, 2007

Sounds like everything is going great! :o) I had my first real sleepless night with Jake recently – can’t complain when I got off so lightly! William’s bound to get that first tooth through soon. Poor babe. I shall call you soon my dear. Take care! xxx

he weighs as much as abigail! lol. hes such a little chubby! and i LOVE IT!! – aw hun, believe me, teething gets better eventually. have you tried giving him tylenol for the pain? when abigail got REALLY bad I would give her a does once in a while at bedtime to help her sleep.