proper update-part 1

Yay! I have antibiotics! Boobs still very sore though, and I also have a cracking headache…… Had to whip my poor inflamed boob out in the docs so he could have a good prod! Ah, so dignified.

I’ve been away for what feels like whatever. I have really REALLY missed being online. I didn’t realise how much I use the internet on a day to day basis, to check for stuff like train times! I’ve had to find other things to do during William nap times…I’ve actually been reading a book!  Gasp!

My boobs are aching and my bed is calling, so here’s what’s happened in the last 3 weeks….part 1. Will try to keep it brief!

*Our move was smoother than I expected! Apart from when Mike tried to saw our big double bed in half because he couldn’t get it down the stairs….  He did eventually! Within a couple of days everything was unpacked and we were settled. This is our 5th house together (in 7 years!!!) so we’re pros as the whole moving thang.

William now has his own little nursery, down the hall from our room! It’s a gorgeous little sunny room with teddy bears on the wall! It felt like he was a loooooooong way from me the first couple of nights, and I hated it, but needless to say I’m used to it now.

*We started weaning William 2 and a half weeks ago. It was the best decision I’ve ever made-he was SO ready for it. And he loves, loves, LOVES food! So far he’s had:

Baby rice 




Banana (his fave so far by a mile!)

Carrot (not so keen on this one)

He’s eating like a pro now, opening his mouth wiiiiiide whenever I wave the spoon like a loony & go ‘choo choooo’ (yes, really!), and he’s really chewing the mush! That’s my boy.

I’m so enjoying the whole weaning experience.  It’s fun cooking & freezing different foods to for him to try; it’s fun deciding what combinations to try and getting his little meals ready! His face whenever he tried anything new is hilarious-like he’s sucking a lemon!  

From the moment we started weaning I started going longer in between pumps and introducing more formula. He’s now purely on formula, with 2 proper ‘meals’ a day, and it is fan-bloody-tastic not to have to express every 3 hours. He actually seems much more content and fuller for longer on formula. I’m glad I made it to the 6 month mark but I’m really REALLY glad that I’ve finished.

Well, nearly finished. I obviously didn’t wean off pumping gradually enough……hence the mastitis.

His sleeping though…..Good God. It’s erratic.

He goes down at 7pm every night without any fuss. We don’t hear a peep until we go to bed.

If it’s a good night, he’ll then sleep through until between 4 and 5.30am. If it’s a bad night, he might wake at 1 or 2am, but I can usually get him back to sleep easily.

It’s the early morning waking which is really getting me down. He’s often wide awake and ready to start the day at 4am!! Needless to say, mummy is not. For some reason he can’t self-settle himself to sleep when he wakes between 4 and 6am-and often he won’t go back to sleep even with my help. The absolute latest we get up these days is 6am!

I’ve considered, and tried, various solutions.

Leave him to cry? Can’t do that. I often leave him to grizzle though.

Brought him to bed with me? Sometimes works.

Later bedtime? He’s SO ready for bed at 7pm. I can’t do it later.

Give him something with which to soothe himself? I’ve tried a blanky and a dummy. Neither worked.

Cut back on daytime naps? He only sleeps for 2-3 hours a day in total. Any less and he gets cranky, and it makes no difference to night time anyway.

My conclusion? He doesn’t actually need  12 hours a night. 9 or 10 hours of good sleep and he’s ready to go. So I gotta live with it! One day he’ll sleep through….maybe when he’s about 3?

Ok, that’s part 1 over. In part 2 I’ll include some pics. And some more exciting news nuggets.

Sidenote: my little boy is 6 months old-I can’t believe it!

It’s going to take me about 3 years to catch up with all of your diaries so I’ll start tomorrow!

Love Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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February 27, 2007

Gah! I can’t believe he’s 6 months old already! Crazy man! Can’t wait to see pics! Glad moving went well, sorry bout the mastitis honey, that’s a pain. Hope it gets better now that you have antibiotics!

I’ve missed seeing you around OD. When you get around to catching up on faves, you have to check out the professional portraits we had done of Ari last week–they came out really great. 🙂 I’m glad the weaning is going so well for you–it really sucks that you got mastitis just as you were stopping bf’ing–not really fair, huh?

(c)Yay for William having his own room! Maybe he’s waking more because he’s not used to being alone? Here’s hoping he gets into a better sleeping pattern soon! I love watching Ari’s face when she tries something new–she makes some great faces. Sometimes she’ll even make a bad face for the first couple bites of something I know she likes–silly girl. 🙂

hey welcome back. can’t wait for pictures…

February 27, 2007

Angelo’s having the same kind of sleep issues at the moment except some evenings he doesn’t settle for ages either. Wish I had the answers for you :o( I just bought a book called the No-Cry Sleep Solution…will let you know if it has any magic techniques. Yay for William doing so well on his food though!!! Hope the mastitis clears up soon :o( *hugs*

February 28, 2007

Sawing a bed in half?!?! Why oh why do men have to be so dramatic!!!!haha Looking forward to pictures hunny xxxxxx

February 28, 2007

Six months already!! Time is flying. Don’t you LOVE the new taste faces?? Hehehe. Sam wasn’t keen on carrot or apple at first, they both upset his stomach, but a few weeks later he loved em. Glad the move went well and you didn’t have to saw your bed apart. Now, go rest a bit and hope the boobies feel better asap… As for the waking up at 4am-ish…Sam did that too. it was a phase. Things WILL change and he will sleep better although may always be a bit grizzly in the morning. As long as you find a compromise where you’re all happy, then it’s fine. Sam, on a good night, will go to b ed at 8pm and not peep until 7:30am. On a bad one, where he wakes up 5am or later…then it’s into our bed where he will sleep again. I of course have to go to the spare room because I’m such alight sleeper, rofl.

February 28, 2007

glad you are back and enjoying the weaning process! The only think i can think of is making him stay up like another hour, i know you said it doesnt work but…well good luck!

February 28, 2007

He’ll sleep through soon enough. Kathryn didn’t start doing it with any sort of consistency until recently. She’d go in spurts when she was younger and I’d think I had it down…then she’d be waking again. I finally had to do CIO with her when she was like 14 months old.

February 28, 2007

Yay, you’re back! Glad the move went well. Pick up your damn phone woman, I want to chat. xxx

February 28, 2007

6 months! Wow, that has flown!! Congrats on making the 6 month mark with the did so well!!

February 28, 2007

You’re back! Congrats on the move and the weaning. 😀 I loved weaning, it felt as if I’d really accomplished something so good. Sorry about the mastitis though. eek!

March 1, 2007

RYN: LOL! The Man is a bit over 6′ but HIS dad was 6’4″ and both my grandad’s were 6’4″ as well!!

Try making bedtime later by 15 minute increments each night. You’d be amazed at what an extra hour will do for his sleep time! *HUGS*