Mummy’s Boy

The weekend, so far, has rocked.

On Friday afternoon we viewed our potential new house for the 2nd time. I WANT IT. It’s so gorgeous. We should find out if we have it tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for us….

On Friday night I made us a delicious vegetable lasagne which we ate with garlic bread and a glass of red wine while watching Ugly Betty and Celebity Big Brother. We then did some rude stuff!  *blushes* Considering my libido is AWOL 95% of the time at the mo, this is definitely worth a mention!

Yesterday our house was invaded by Monster Baby.

Plus his parents and 2 other friends. Within minutes our home was pretty much trashed. William’s toys, all still in pristine condition, were being flung everywhere and smeared with tomota-y fingers (Monster Baby had just eaten tomato soup). Our TV remote, my mobile, lipgloss, etc were targeted, picked up, put in his mouth, discarded. Our kitchen cupboards were opened, things flung out. I felt myself getting increasingly tense. I know it will be like this when William’s crawling but……I don’t think I’ll mind so much when it’s my own baby. And I know that when I childmind I’ll have to be less precious. But…..still.

His parents have a somewhat relaxed attitude to everything. I personally think a little too relaxed.

He eats stuff of the floor. And they give him anything and everything to eat/drink. Sugary drinks. Crisps. And beer. Yep. They give him sips of beer!

They don’t sterilise or wash his eating stuff properly.

He trapped his fingers twice in our cupboards and they just ignored him.

Anywhoo. I was actually really relieved when Monster Baby & parents left. William was scared of the beast. And I could actually enjoy a glass of juice without it being grabbed away by fat little fingers.

Speaking of William….I’m beginning to think he’s a bit of a mummy’s boy. He cried whenever any of my friends tried to hold him yesterday. When he wasn’t crying, he was in a really grumpy mood…..until me or Mike held him, or took him upstairs, and then he was all smiles. Secretly it gives me a bit of a warm glow but I want him to be a bit more social!

Today we are mostly sitting on our big butts and eating yummy things.  I shall be back later to note y’all. Toodlepip!

lots of love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ps I’m going to whisper this, but I am considering-only considering at this stage-maybe trying some cloth nappies. I am sick of Pampers. They smell musty and I don’t think they can be that comfy for William. They’re all stiff and unflexible. Also-this only occured to me yesterday-he’s going to be wearing nappies until he’s about 2!!! How many Pampers will I get through in that time?! I know absolutely nothing about cloth nappies but a few of my faves are big fans. Are they a LOT of extra work? And are they really expensive? Do you have to scrub out poo?!

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January 13, 2007

Keeping fingers crossed for you about the house! I’d have been the same about Monster Baby! I’m obsessive about not letting Angelo touch dirt and I know I’m going to be the same about what he eats. Having said that, once he gets active, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to stop him touching things that aren’t quite as hygienic as I’d like. I don’t know how any parent could give their baby beer,

January 13, 2007

crisps and sugary stuff though! And ignoring him when he traps his fingers…poor baby. I don’t know much about cloth nappies either as we use Pampers. However, we’ve got a cloth one for his christening (apparently it’s required…?!) and I have to admit I really like the look of it. I wasn’t going to consider cloth until we’ve got more money but we’ll see how it goes that day.

January 14, 2007

Go to this girls diary: risk x reality She just wrote a few entries on cloth diapers and it has LOTS of info 🙂 I dont think I could deal with a baby like that in my house lol.

January 14, 2007

I would’ve bitten Monster Baby. Ok I wouldn’t really but my oh my I would’ve been beside myself watching the parents just sort of watch it all happen!

January 14, 2007

we have friends with two monster children, and they were moster babies too. but they are even worse now! i hope that one grows out of it, but with the parents the way they are, i wouldnt count on it…

January 14, 2007

RYN: Nope, we will have a surprise! Sam was a surprise, this one will be too. 🙂

January 14, 2007

I don’t think William will be like that because you’ll teach him better!!

January 14, 2007

it sounds like that kid needed some disipline (Sp?). I would never let my child act that way…craziness…when william is crawling you can put little baby locks on the cabinets. We have some cloth diapers but ive never used them. They are really expensive and were a gift. I heard you do have to scrape the poop out before you wash them.

OK, being a relaxed parent is a good thing, but they sound way too relaxed. Giving him beer? Letting him trash your house? No no no…

January 15, 2007

Good Luck with the house and Congratulations on surviving the visit! 🙂