
I received some really lovely and helpful notes on my last entry-it’s very reassuring to know that this sleeping problem a) won’t last forever and b) is very common!

The last 2 nights William’s actually gone down without a fuss. What have I done differently? I turned his nightlight off. Duh. I always kinda assumed that he needed a little reassuring light in his room, but turns out he actually doesn’t! Also, he’s now learnt how to sleep on his side, and he seems much more comfortable that way!

I don’t think we’re entirely out of the woods yet, but it’s a start!

Tomorrow morning at about 4am probably my in-laws arrive. They’re staying til next Thursday. That’s a loooooooooong time. Regular readers of my diary will know that my mother in law can be a little trying at times, so I’m bracing myself for lots of grit-your-teeth moments. Having said that, they are both lovely people and I know they’re ridiculously excited about seeing Willliam.

Half of me is stupidly excited about Christmas, the other half can’t wait for it to be over. It’s William’s first Christmas, and it’s going to be very special. BUT-to be honest, I’d give my right arm for it to just be me, Mike and William here on Christmas day. William hates busy rooms and being passed from person to person. There’s going to be a LOT of that over the next week-on Christmas day, all of my family and Mike’s family will be here! He gets over stimulated so easily. Also I know it’s awful but I tend to get quite possessive of him when everyone wants to hold him. And if he starts crying when someone else is holding him, I just want to grab him back. God. It’s going to be mayhem! I’m thinking I’m going to take him upstairs for a lot of looooooong nappy changes in the peace and quiet.  

Relaaaaaaax and calm. It will all be fine *takes deep breath*.

God I sound ungrateful. Loads of people have no family to spend Christmas with, so I should be thankful really. *sigh*

Anywhoo-I’ll try and get on here at some point, but if I don’t before Monday, have a wonderful Christmas everybody!

lots of Christmassy kisses from happycookie and my little christmas cookie, William xxxxxx

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December 22, 2006

I’ve read so many entries about dealing with the mother in law! My drives me a little loopy, and my boyfriend and i aren’t married but if we ever do i can imagine a scenario like you’ve got for christmas day!

December 22, 2006

and 4am!?!?! thats insane!

Why 4am?! I’m glad William goes down easier now. Who’d have guessed it would be his nightlight?! X

December 22, 2006

4 am?? Why so early? That’s crazy… Glad he goes down easier! Silly nightlights!

December 22, 2006

They must be excited to see him, to arrive at 4am! Everyone who holds kaia goes on about how calm and quiet he is. HES NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. It was only recently i realised he was scared! How would you feel being picked up and stared at by a stranger? Good luck with the inlaws. Merry Christmas! Don’t down too many wines…..the mother-in-law doesn’t need to see you drunk! LOL

4 am holy cow!!! well im glad hes been going down better…hopefully he’ll stay on that track. and hopefully your in laws being there won’t disrupt him too awful much. anyhoot, thanks for the notes. and i hope your holiday goes well. *hugs to you and your christmas cookie*

December 23, 2006

I hope your Christmas goes OK and your in-laws aren’t too much of a nightmare. I know exactly where you’re coming from!!! And I’m the same with wanting to just grab Angelo back when someone else is holding him and he starts crying. Only natural I think :o) Lots of time out sounds like a good plan!