Oooh I feel all Christmassy!

Christmas fever is beginning to strike! Deck the halls with boughs of holly…….tra la la la laaaaaaa! etc. I think it’s because practically all of my faves have that tree thingy that you leave gifts under. I love it!

William is fast asleep in the pram in the kitchen. We have got the daytime naps thing sorted and I am so chuffed! The minute he begins to look sleepy-normally after an hour and a half/2 hours of being awake-I pop him in the pram. He normally sleeps for about 45 mins. It’s working like a dream!

Of course, you can’t have it all and he’s still kicking up a stink at bedtime. Mike and I are supposed to be going out to dinner for our 2nd wedding anniversary on Monday, leaving William with our friends Deirdre and Mike but it ain’t gonna happen unless we crack this before then. Last night I was happily munching on a yummy pizza from Pizza Hut listening to his whinges build up to a crescendo of wails! I had to go and stroke his cheek and shush him A LOT. Didn’t pick him up though-how strong am I?! It was about 9pm when he finally dropped off for good. It IS getting better, and I’m sure it will sort itself out eventually, so I’m not too worried. And on the upside, he’s completely dropped his night feed now and goes from 7.30pm til 8am every night. Woop wooooop!

Baby massage this afternoon-God I hope he doesn’t scream the place down like last week! If he has plenty of sleep he shouldn’t do *crosses fingers*.

Mike finishes work tomorrow lunchtime until January! I am soooo excited. I love having him at home!

Ooh, just one other thing-one of my old colleagues rang me yesterday and made me feel a bit guilty because I haven’t brought William in to show them. For those of you that don’t know, I’m a teacher and I used to work at a very posh school in Kensington, London. Well, I’ve decided to bite the bullet-I’m going in for the end-of-term carol service next Wednesday to show him off! ARRRGGHHH! I’m really not keen. Getting the train into London at rush hour with a 3 month old is going to be quite an experience. Also I’m in such a lovely mummy bubble here. I don’t want to think about work, and school, my old life and stuff. It feels like a completely different life. I have a horrible feeling it will make me yearn to go back to teaching (I love my job)…..but I know I’m not ready yet.

Ooh, last thing-I GOT MY PERIOD! I thought you weren’t supposed to get them when you’re breastfeeding?! First one in a year and man, I haven’t missed them. Luckily I’ve never suffered much with period pains but still…..uuuuuuughhhhhh.

Better shoot-toodleloo my lovelies!

lots of Christmassy love from festivecookie xxxxxxxxxxx

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December 14, 2006

Congrats on the celebration! and yeah, Steaming in from Maidenhead to Kensington is going to be a mission and a half! Good luck with that! heheh! I work in Maidenhead on the weekends!

December 14, 2006

It’s easier to not pick them up from the crib when they can’t stand up and reach their arms out to you LOL

Wow, sounds like he’s doing very well at night now!! Lucky you!! X

December 14, 2006

LOL at Tavia’s note. She’s sooo right. You’re doig great though and so’s William. Babies do have to learn to self-sooth and comfort themselves to sleep. William’s doing great. 🙂 Ergh on the period. I didn’t bf and didn’t have one for SEVEN months. Hence why I think it took be awhile to conceive babe 2.

Ahh the bedtime thing is tons of fun, lol. Just when I think Ari’s got it down, she’ll throw a fit the next night. I do the same thing–I don’t pick her up, I just soothe her with words and give her her pacifier. It’s as much for my sake as it is for hers–because if I pick her up, I know I won’t want to put her back down! 🙂

December 14, 2006

festivecookie, you are such a little treat. I’m glad we crossed paths. =)

December 14, 2006

Yuck at the period. I haven’t had one yet but am sure it won’t be far off once we start solids. Great. Yay for Mike having such a lovely long time off at Christmas. So jealous of all the family time you’ll be having!! Angelo and I have braved London once. Not the funnest experience we’ve ever had but not as bad as I thought. You’ll be fine :o)

December 14, 2006

Ahhh, now…One of our teachers gave birth around the same time as you, and baby Annabelle has visited us 3 times already!! I bet they cant wait to see the baby and the kids will love to see him too!! Hope you have a lovely visit! xxxx

festivecookie..haha, cute!! good, im glad hes sleeping better during the day, i know i love abigails naps so i can just relax. eep! periods are not fun ;-/ *hugs*

December 15, 2006

Yay for naptime! Kaia cries EVERY naptime but goes down like a dream at night time. Weird. He still wakes though for a feed. LUCKY YOU! 7:30 to 8. Lovely!