Two steps forward……a million back *edit*

Just when you think you’ve got at least one thing sorted.

It’s now 8.55pm. William has just fallen asleep after an hour of SCREAMING. And I mean screaming. It was like he was in pain.This is after about 12 blissful weeks of us putting him down every single night and him happily lying there quietly until he falls asleep.

Exactly the same thing happened last night-although the screaming was much worse tonight.


Ironically, we’ve had a lovely day. He’s eaten loads, got plenty of sleep and apart from a bit of grizzliness has generally been a contented little baby.

So is it…

a) teething? (likely. Calpol seems to have sent him off to sleep. He was chimping on his fist as he fell asleep. But why did it only really start bothering him when we put him down to sleep?)

b) a sudden awareness that he does in fact hate his cot, and would rather be snuggled up next to mummy in the big grown-up bed? (maybe)

c) extreme overtiredness? (unlikely. That wasn’t his tired cry. And he napped at 5.30 for half an hour)

d) attention seeking? (But when I picked him up each time the crying didn’t stop. Surely it would have done if it was attention-seeking? I couldn’t leave him crying. I just couldn’t. Perhaps I’ll have to if this keeps on happening.)

It wasn’t wind or hunger or a dirty/wet nappy. I put Snufflebabe on his chest and drops up his nose in case it was his sniffles that were bothering him. It was right after I did that that he fell asleep, so maybe that was it.

I do know one thing. If this keeps on happening every night I am going to go slowly insane. I can’t just dose him up on Calpol every night either. 

I feel all sad. Mike and I were going to watch a movie, but now I’m really not in the mood.

Right! Chin up, old girl. Tomorrow is another day.

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxx 

Sunday AM: I feel like a zombie! William slept til 3.45am. He started crying, but wasn’t hungry, so I bought him into bed with me (yes, I know, probably COMPLETELY the wrong thing to do but hey, a girl needs her sleep!)

I barely slept after that. William wasn’t crying but he was incredibly restless, quirming, snoring, grunting…..he’s never normally like that next to me. He wanted feeding at 5am. His nose was all stuffy but this morning it’s fine! I’m completely baffled to be honest. The smart money is on teething pain as he’s just fallen asleep with his fist in his mouth!

 Your notes make me feel so much better. Thank you! xxxxx

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He may have been cold and wanted the body heat. De does that ALOT. I ended up co-sleeping again for the most part. Alot of the night he’ll sleep in his crib or his playpen and then its like he has sense of when Mommy goes to bed because as soon as we’re comfortable the screaming starts! g/l hon!

December 9, 2006

Awwww…I wish I knew the answer….I hope for your sake that he settles good tomorrow..I remember only too well, the many hours screaming that Laura did when she was tiny…We tried everything with her,and when we did manage to rock her to sleep,standing up,she would awaken and scream again as soon as she felt us trying to sit back down!!

December 9, 2006

Teething sounds a likely candidate. Sam was always worse when put down to sleep too, somethig about the pressure in the gums being more irritating as they have no distraction when supposed to be sleeping. Poor mite. Try some Bonjela right before he goes to sleep as well. Worked a treat with Sam.

December 9, 2006

Thanks for your note! I hope he gets here soon too! also hope your son gets to feeling better…how frustrating for you! And poor babe. 🙁

I’ve heard that even the best sleepers can start waking up in the middle of the night due to teething. Poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon!

December 9, 2006

If I could only answer that *lol* Kathryn slept soooo good in her own bed for MONTHS and then right after she turned 11 months old, she started boycotting going to bed on her own and since she was a year old pretty much wakes up in the middle of the night every night to come into our bed 🙁 I’ve taken a lot of flack over this but honestly the alternative is to listen to her scream in the middle of the night and not get any sleep at all–no thanks!

December 9, 2006

Oh i know how you feel. We are going through the screaming too, i think it may be teething. We are lucky in the sense it’s not at bedtime but *sigh* its all during the day and he kinda wimpers at night. I hope you figure it out, and if you do, send the anser my way???!

Hey, thanks for you lovely note (and for adding me to your favs).. hope that the little man will get better soon (raising a baby is not the easiest thing in the world).

I really dont know petal, but my guess is teething. I hope both you and the little guy get a better night’s sleep tonight! xxxx

It’s horrible when they go through these phases. It could be so many things. Maybe he’s going through a growth spurt. I hope it doesn’t last too much longer!! X

December 10, 2006

i dont know why… maybe teething, but both of my boys did the same thing at some point. and it went on for a few weeks, and then it stopped. does he seem to feel good otherwise? i know with my oldest it was usually him not feeling well… and ear infection, or tummy virus or something.

teething could definitely be the culprit. the things babies have to go through..and the mommies too. chin up hun! *hugs*

December 14, 2006

Angelo’s doing a similar thing at the moment…although he stops if I cuddle him to sleep on me so not quite the same. It takes at least three tries/90 minutes before he goes to sleep on his own…and then he’s waking up every 2 hours hungry as well. I miss my me time!!! *hugs*