
Awww! Big congratulations to salty*dog! She’s pregnant! Yipeeeeeeee!

Yesterday William was an angel all day. We played, giggled, bonded, and generally had a lovely day together. He slept when he needed to and ate enough. He was fussy and crying when he was eating but that was it!

Today? Complete opposite. I went to a baby massage class this afternoon. He was fine for a little while but then he began to scream. And I mean scream! It was sooooo embarassing. And heartbreaking-tears were running down his cheeks and his eyes were all red. I had to wake him up from a deep sleep to go to the class so I think he was tired. But it also seemed like he was in pain. I’m convinced he’s teething. He keeps on crying in pain during feeding, is producing enough drool to give himself a bath and chomps his fist non-stop. But he’s not at all interested in the teething rings I’ve bought for him-go figure.

I feel like I’ve written this teething stuff before. Memo to self: remember what I’ve written in previous entries, so people do not doze off while reading your diary through sheer boredom.

I have GOT to get this daytime sleeping thing sorted. Without proper naps he turns into a MONSTER baby. Where do you mums put your baby to sleep in the day? Do you put them in the cot? I’m wary of doing that because I think he associates the cot with night-time. But does he get proper sleep in his vibrating chair? Hmmmm.

I hate to admit it but the thought of Christmas day at the moment is making me nervous. All of my family and Mike’s family are coming here. Remember what happened when we visited my in-laws in Plymouth? (reminder: massive overstimulation as they wouldn’t leave him alone, and William cried and cried. A LOT). Plus-William is NOT good with crowded rooms. He gets over-stimulated very easily. I’m going to have to find ways of taking him away from the madness to get some quiet nap time, otherwise he is going to scream the place down non-stop.   

Ok, enough baby talk. Here are 3 wacky facts.

1. I am addicted to a webcam website. No, not kinky stuff, you dirty-minded people! Webcams from around the world! I love watching the webcams from Times Square, where all the people are walking by doing their day to day stuff. It’s fascinating. And yes, I am a geek.

2. Apart from this website, the website I go on every single day is BabyCentre. I look at the posts from mums who gave birth in the same month as me. It’s reassuring (in the same way that OD is). Ooh and I also always check my hotmail.

3.  I love jam roly poly and custard. I’m going to eat that in about 5 mins and add more girth to my jelly belly.

Laters, people!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxx

ps pics to follow in next entry-promise!

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December 7, 2006

Im not looking forward to that side of Christmas either. Joshua is just the same!!! xxxxx

December 7, 2006

LOL, I’m addicted to babycentre as well. Heh. I can’t remember when I started putting Sam for naps in his cot…I know for the first probably 12+ weeks, he napped in either his swing in the living room or his little rocking chair thingy. I know by Xmas he was having naps in his cot though and he was 17w by then.

i started abigail sleeping in her bouncer for naps..and now when she falls asleep for naps in the day i use my bed because its quiet in my room and shes familiar with it. but what helps her nap so good, is i put her on her belly, surround her with pillows so she doesnt go anywhere and i leave my door open. if you have a packnplay/playpen use that as well. dont put him down for naps in his night

time sleeping place though. i promise you, as he gets older, he will put himself on a schedule. its hard now but it’ll happen. I WANT PICTURES!! 🙂

December 7, 2006

I think being at your own place will make it easier on William with the crowd–you can easily go into a bedroom and lock the door to give him a break! LOL

Ari seems to be teething too, but also shows no interest in teething toys. She prefers her own hand or a bib or burpcloth! I read that when babies fall asleep in a swing, etc., they don’t really fall deeply asleep because they’re moving. So maybe putting him to bed will help him sleep better for naps.

December 7, 2006

Its a shame its winter at the moment…My two always loved sleeping wrapped up in their prams…….in the back garden!!!! You should try it when the weather gets warm enough. xxxx

December 7, 2006

Initially Jacob was in his swing/bouncer for naps, and still is for when he’s just dozing.. but now he had two solid naps a day in his cot, because he knows it’s where he sleeps… and that way I get at least 2 90 minute naps out of him late morning and late afternoon. Maybe worth considering? & yes, I’m sure he’s teething. I have a fantastic teether that I got fot Jake that you can put in thefreezer.. If I find another while I’m out shopping today, I’ll send you it. PS – I need a diet buddy in the New Year, wanna join me? xxx

December 8, 2006

I’ve been avoiding putting Angelo in the basket/cot for daytime naps because I’m worried about the night-time associations…but he doesn’t sleep properly in the day so I’m thinking of trying it for nap times. Christmas Day is definitely going to involve lots of breaks for us too! Even though we’re now avoiding the in-laws, it’ll still be too much for him unless we have a lot of quiet time!

I remember asking the health visitor that question when India was small(er) and she said to put her in her cot. I can’t remember her reasons but thats what she said and it’s never been a problem for me. She does her best sleeping in her cot, lol! I hope the teething eases up! X

December 8, 2006

Dont stress about christmas, hopefully it will work out. Glad everything is well.

December 9, 2006

RYN: Yeah I changed it. It was too…juvenile looking for me LMAO

December 9, 2006

RYN: For the longest time, he had to already be asleep or super super drowsy when I put him in it…when he was 6 months, we got strict becauase it became ridiculous the amount of time I spetn every day trying to get Sam to sleep before I could put him down…so we let him cry it out. Sounds awful, and I was sooooo against it but we tried absolutely everything and this is what worked for us. I’d give him his bottle, change his nappy then pop him into his sleeping bag and give him dolly and leave the room. At first he’d cry for a bit but soon enough, within a week, would just love on dolly and go to sleep. William will get there too…keep popping him into his cot when he’s drowsy looking during the day. 🙂