
I am NOT a happycookie this morning.

We had a crap night due to William being all snuffy and not being able to breathe properly. He woke up at 3am and didn’t really sleep properly after that. I watched him for ages, paranoid that he was going to stop breathing altogether. He’d drift off a little then wake up suddenly when he realised his nose was stuffed up.

I’ve just been attempting to rock him to sleep for ages in his bouncy chair, to no avail. He’s now on me, dozing off but I think I can smell a pooey nappy…. no, I can definitely smell a pooey nappy. For the second day in a row, he just won’t nap properly in the day. I have no routine in the day but I’m beginning to feel like I need one. This boy fights sleep like you wouldn’t believe. Or maybe he’s just out of sorts cos he’s ill……….*sigh*

I had 2 glasses of wine last night and feel really guilty about it. I mixed the milk I expressed afterwards with other non-boozy milk but I still feel bad. At the end of a long, 12 hour day looking after William (he’s usually awake for about 10 of those hours!) I just feel like I need a treat!  Perhaps I shoud stick to treats of the non-alcoholic kind though, hey?

I think our toilet is blocked.

We have a busy weekend ahead again, seeing lots of people and I’m not really sure I’m up for it.

It’s dark and rainy. Again.


Hope to be back to my normal chipper self soon.

lots of love from miserygutscookie and bungedupbaby William xxxxxxx

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November 24, 2006

bungedupbabycookie OMG that made me laugh so hard. Hopefully you’re feeling better soon and William naps!

November 24, 2006

oh poor loves, I hope it all gets back to normal for you soon. take care of yourself.

November 24, 2006

Hope William naps soon. Angelo’s doing the same thing today – he slept for 20 minutes earlier and is now in his bouncy chair fighting sleep like mad. I’ve ended up leaving the room in the hope that he’ll fall asleep out of sheer boredom if I’m not there. I’d love a routine in the day too!!! Wine sounds good. I think I might have some tonight. We deserve it!

November 24, 2006

Colds are crap when you’ve only got teeny tiny nostrils. Poor little mite. Cuddles will make him feel better. COlds are crap when your baby only has teen tiny nostrils. Poor you. Wine will make you feel better. 😉

November 24, 2006

feel better. Why dont you call a doctor and see if there is something babies can take for a stuffy nose? Poor little guy.

November 24, 2006

Oh i know how you feel………so tired and run down. Wine sounds bloody good to me right now. Hope tomorrow brings a nice clear nose for william

November 24, 2006

awww…you sound like you need to rest….maybe let his grandparents take him for a walk or have him for a few hours? *hugs*

November 24, 2006

Actually, i’m sure there is somting from the doctors to help clear that stuffy nose..I vaguely rememeber using something on Shannon when she was stuffy and unable to breathe properly.

I know I might get crap for writting this but as a mother myself I really dont see anything wrong with a glass or two of wine every two or three days. It’s HARD being a mum! When I drank I use to give her a bottle and top her up with the boob so she wouldnt have too much boozy milk and it would give me a chance to fill up with non boozy milk.