Rain, rain, go away

I should be doing this NoJoMo thing. I’m writing every frickin’ day!

Nothing much to say, just wanted to tell y’all that I’m feeling CHIPPER today! Despite the torrential rain! Why? Well….

1. My little man is asleep on my arms and he looks beyond cute.

2. Had a good, busy day yesterday. 2 of my mummy chums came over and we talked pure babies for 2 hours. One of them was giving her baby prune juice (undiluted) for her baby’s constipation!!! Is that right?! He’s only 10 weeks old!

3. The meeting with mum & kid went well. It was only 15 minutes. My little angel sat and cooed in his bouncer. I’m going to start tutoring the kid next Weds, once a week, £20 per hour! Ching ching! Only problem is, it’s maths. I SUCK at maths.

4.  All my notes yesterday made me feel a lot better about providing constant stimulation for William…..thanks guys! I’m a lot more chilled out today.

5. I’m going to a Christmas tasting evening at Cook down the road for an hour this evening. Cook is a shop that sells amazing dinner party food. I reckon they’ll have mini mince pies, yule log, and other such gorgeous treats for us to scoff *drools*. Yum!

6. Mike will hopefully be working from home tomorrow and we’re going to wrap William up and go down town to watch the Maidenhead Christmas lights being turned on! Woohoo!

7.It’s nearly the weekend! J’adore the weekend.

8. William slept from 8pm til 5.30am again last night. My baby rocks!

Still in my PJs and it’s 10.11am…..heehee!

Have a great day folks!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxx

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November 16, 2006

Whoa undiluted prune juice at 10wks! Good god when that baby does finally go, its gunna go EVERYWHERE! LOL The nurse told me to give kaia diluted prune juice, only a little once a day. It did the trick.

Have a great too Missus H Cookie!!!!!

November 16, 2006

Undiluted prune juice?! Doesn’t sound good to me but each to their own!!! Glad it went well. RYN: Would love to know the agency’s name if you don’t mind. There’s a Cook near where my parents live and I love their food! No idea if there’s one round here, may have to find out! Yay for Christmas lights! I’m going wedding dress shopping in London soonish and taking Angelo to see the Oxford

November 16, 2006

St ones – my mum and fiance are both insisting he’s way too young for it but I think he’ll love it. What do they know?! Glad you’re feeling happy even with this horrible rain :o)

The christmas tasting evening sounds good! Glad the meeting went well yesterday! X

November 16, 2006

J’adore le weekend aussi! I used to give Kathryn prune juice but it was diluted 2:1 with water. It helped a lot and I rarely had anything “go everywhere” LOL

November 16, 2006

hes too young for it..diluting it is the key… yay for william sleeping all night, thats wonderful! theres no shame in sitting around in your jammies at 10:00 in the morning, i’ve been known to do it all day. congrats on the tutoring job too! XO, ~A&B

November 16, 2006

Yes, giving prune juice at that age for constipation is okay, as long as you don’t overdo it. And it’s best to dilute it, but to each their own! I didn’t use prune juice for my daughter, I used WAY WAY WAY diluted apple juice, it does the trick, lemme tell ya what…

November 16, 2006

Chipper is good! And I am so jealous that you were still in your pj’s at 10am. The freaking plumebrs show up at 8:30am after telling me the won’t be there until 9am so I’ve been up, washed, dressed etc by 8am for almost two weeks. Ngh. Want a lazy day!

November 16, 2006

glad you are feeling chipper 🙂 I wouldnt give my baby UNdiluted prune juice that young…sounds a bit off to me. Have fun at the Christmas food tasting. RYN: its a manual exam where they use their fingers to start to open your cervix. They break all the little ties that hold it closed (from my understanding)….graffic huh? sorry. lol

November 17, 2006

RYN: HOA is our Home Owner’s Association. Most newer neighborhoods here have one. It’s basically a committee that you pay dues to and they set rules for the neighborhood (like, you can’t paint your house yellow, or park an RV out front, etc). They take care of landscaping, etc of common areas like the park. The goal is to keep the neighborhood nice, but ours has gotten waaaaay out of control.