Pics and a slight hangover

My boy’s asleep on my tummy. I need a cup of tea. I’m still in my PJs. I had 2 glasses of wine last night and now I feel a bit hungover. My head aches. What a lightweight! The sun’s shining today but it’s COLD!

Yesterday I was getting cabin fever. I want to start doing more stuff with William-we spend a LOT of time at home and I need to get out more. I’ve been surfing the net but there’s not many classes in our area for 2 month old babies….I was thinking something like baby massage??? Think I might take William swimming on Saturday-he LOVES the bath, so he’ll love the pool! That’ll be something fun to do!

I went over to my friend Deirdre’s house yesterday afternoon and had a good natter. Her baby James was born 4 days after William and it’s so good to talk pure babies for hours!

William didn’t scream last night, thank God. He was VERY tired and grizzly at about 6.30pm, so I put him in the pram and he fell asleep for half an hour! I think I need to put him to bed at 7pm but Mike doesn’t get home til 7/7.15, so he’ll barely see him in the week…..*sigh*….it’s difficult.

I think the wine has killed my brain cells. I feel all fuzzy this morning. Here’s some pics……

Family portrait….

Cuddle with mummy…..

Smiley boy!

Uuuuuugghhhhh. Someone get me some Nurofen. I’m too old to drink!

Laters peeps

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxx

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November 8, 2006

Your baby is very cute.

November 9, 2006

Ms Cookie, you’re a dish! Your family is beautiful, truly. Thank you for sharing pictures with us.

**giggles** that last picture is to die for…it looks like he’s all “I know I’m cute, take some more pictures mom!” ~A&B

November 9, 2006

Aw he is just the sweetest thing! xx That bottom picture is adorable!

November 9, 2006

I’m a lightweight too *lol* We have the same issue with Kathryn’s bedtime and when J gets home from work. He hardly sees her during the week, which is why our weekends are so precious. LOVE the pics! You have a gorgeous family 🙂

November 9, 2006

Awww! He’s gotten so big! And you’ve gotten small! Love the family pic hon, and William is adorable!

November 9, 2006

Bless! William is the sweetest little doll-baby. 🙂 LOL, yeah any alcohol after pg and the lightweightness is amplified ten-fold. Hehehe. I’m into the wine tonight, send the Neurofen my way when you’re done. 😉

November 9, 2006

Wow, he looks so different from the little newborn, he is getting so big and has such a great smile!! Cute family portrait. Feel better! lol.

November 9, 2006

o cute!

November 9, 2006

aw hes gorgous

November 10, 2006

Love the pics – he’s getting so big isn’t he? I can’t remember what that fuzzy hungover feeling’s like… :o) Looking forward to reading how the swimming goes. Angelo loves the bath too and I want to try the pool but I’m a bit nervous about taking him on my own…he wriggles so much!