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I think my little boy may have colic.

He SCREAMED the house down for the third evening in a row tonight.

Yes, he had his first round of immunisations today, which may have contributed to it. But the crying wasn’t much different to yesterday.

It started around about 6. I put him in the sling and danced around the living room singing to Keane, which worked for a while. But soon enough he was screaming again… much that he went bright red, and nearly made himself choke. Classic colic symptoms. Nothing soothed him. It was so upsetting and I found myself getting worked up and teary.

There was no reason for it. I burped him well after every feed today. He was fed, dry and had had plenty of attention. He WAS overtired I suppose.

After an hour of this I decided to put him to bed at 7 instead of 8. Perhaps I should do that every night??? Maybe 8 is too late?? He settled with no problems and has been fast asleep for an hour a half now.


Just had to share. I’m tired and a wee bit emotional *sigh*.

lots of love happycookie and windy William xxxxxxx

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I was getting De’s trip supplies last night and when I was in the section they sell the Hyland’s teething tablets I saw Hyland’s colic tablets! If they work anywhere near as good as the teething tablets they would have been a life saver when De was younger! Just wait for the stage where he wants to be up all night and sleep all was another one of those nights for me last night. De wokeup at 12 and stayed up to 2:45. Can we say I am dragging major butt here??! LOL! RYN: is nuts.

Oh and LOL about the kissyface..I would have gotten it but it didnt last too long. He was eating and as usual had it all over his face. His dad kissed me goodbye then he puckered his little lips up, too then his daddy kissed his forehead..he started to fuss. I cleaned off his mouth & chin thinking maybe we could rectify the situation. No can do. His dad leaned down, gave him a kiss, got punched inhis mouth and the crying commenced! He was PISSED. HEHEHE. It was so cute. He’s teething bad again already. I think his teeth will be the death of me! or at least my ears!

November 7, 2006

Sounds more like the over-tired, nothing makes me happy, I’m going to gripe and scream and moan and make my mom cry than true colic. Maybe he’s still off from your visiting, the jabs may still be making him feel a bit funky, maybe a combo of all that and being tired! Glad he settled off to sleep for you. Hope it’s a good night. 🙂

Oh no, colic..? I never had to deal with that but my sister did with both of her boys and she said it wasn’t good…wish I had some advice but I don’t..:-/ The books say colic usually starts around 2 months and ends around 4 just hang in there! He probably is ready for an earlier bedtime..thats how Abigail got and I put her down an hour earlier and now shes fine! Things’ll be better!

November 7, 2006

Good luck!

He’s still up! My phone ringing at 1 A.m kept him up I think. It kills me the irony..I think they wait til Im in a good mood before they deflate my happiness. So you know what your asking at the chemist about here is the url about the colic tablets g/l with it hon! *HUGS*

can you order from I was wondering because they stock them as well.. Good night hon!

November 8, 2006

hope it wasnt colic

Hi. Just stumbled upon you. The pics on your contents page are lovely. You look like such a happy family! Colic is awful. I hope it doesn’t last too long! X