Sniffle, sniffle

It is COLD today! *shiver*The temp has suddenly dropped dramatically. I’m all cosy in my huge Gap sweatshirt. Coming down to the dark, cold lounge to express in the middle of the night was not fun. I’m going to have to invest in an enormous dressing gown methinks.

William and I are ill!!!! Mike had a cold at the weekend and he’s passed it to us. My gorgeous boy sounds even more like a pig than usual now-man, the grunts, snorts and sniffles are something else! *Note: I’m talking about William here, not my husband.

On Monday, when it was clear that William had caught the cold as he was VERY grizzly and congested, I was frantic with worry… was he going to BREATHE?! How can he clear his nose if he can’t blow it?? Did he have a fever? What if it’s MENINGITIS?! Arrrgggghhhhh!!!! (Perhaps slightly over the top but this is his first little illness, so cut me some slack). Anywhoooo, yesterday he was very grizzly, but he seems better today, although I feel like sh*t. Glands up, nose running like a tap, watery eyes and congested head *wallows in self-pity*. I’ve never been one to moan about being ill so I’m not going to start now BUT I would love to just curl up on the sofa and read a stack of magazines…..sadly with a 9 week old baby to keep me busy, that ain’t gonna happen.

Hey! I’ve just discovered the OD Message Boards! I never knew they existed before! They seem SLIGHTLY scary though. Are they fun? I might lurk for a while before deciding whether to post. I dropped into the Children and Parenting section and it looked like some of the posters were a bit aggressive! This whole BF versus FF debate is so BORING. I’m a regular lurker on Babycentre September 2006 birthclub and there’s just been a massive, heated debate about feeding on that. Some women have such strong views, which is fine, but they really shouldn’t force them down anyone’s throat.

What else is new? Oh, we’re going down to Plymouth on Friday to see my in-laws. They haven’t seen William since he was 4 days old so it will be lovely for them.  

My little man is stirring (how does he KNOW that I’m on Open Diary? He always seems to wake up when I’m writing an entry) so I’d better skiddadle; be back later to note my faves! Speaking of faves, I’m thinking of going faves only, I’d like my diary to be a bit more personal.

lots of love from a sniffly happycookie and William xxxxxxx 

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October 31, 2006

we’re all sick at our house, too. it’s such a drain, both physically and mentally. 🙁 be well.

November 1, 2006

LOL, the babies come with a built-in OD meter! I wrote an entry on that exact subject when Sam was about 5w old. Hehehe. The getting up in the cold night is the worst. Def get a warm bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. I always found it hard to get back to sleep is I was the least bit cold so would wrap up ready for an arctic exploration when Sam needed feeding. Next kid is being fed while I’m still in bed. 😉 Hope you’re all feeling better soon.

November 1, 2006

The boards are not fun if you’re not into drama. There’s the whole feeding debate, co-sleeping has been there, the slings, using CIO. It’s crazy. Some of the other boards are fun, like the rants board and the general chat.

aww id die if abigail had gotten sick so early!! i hope he gets better soon because thats pitiful!!! have you tried using ine of those nose suctioners? i think all babies have an open diary radar because abigail ALWAYS gets cranky the second I get on here..crazy kids!! XOXO, ~A&B

November 1, 2006

But I love reading about you and William! Hope you feel better soon!

November 1, 2006

Aww, hope you both feel better soon.

November 1, 2006

You poor thing! Being sick and having a sick little one…sadness. I hope you feel better soon. If he stays sick too long, i would take him in to a Dr….just cause hes still soooo little. Have fun seeing the inlaws.

November 1, 2006

Thank you! x

November 2, 2006

I prefer faves only at the moment, I don’t know why. Hope you kids feel better soon. I shall try to call you again tonight as you’re busy tomorrow :o) hope you have fun with the in-laws! xxx

November 4, 2006

I have a huge Gap sweatshirt also…I sleep in it on the cold winter nights!!!