
Some random FACTS!

1. FACT! I have mostly spent the weekend stuffing my face with delicious things! Yesterday I ate:

Ready Brek (hot oat cereal)

Bacon sandwich

Fruit and nut chocolate bar

Huge mocha with 2 choc flakes

Half a family size bag of tortilla crisps with dips

Half a bag of flying saucers (sherbert sweets)

3 x Krispy Kreme doughnuts

Vegetable lasagne (healthy!)

2 pieces of garlic bread

Sherry trifle

The occasion? We had friends up for the weekend! Today I have been scoffing Grand Marnier After Eight straws (SERIOUSLY yummy), and have had another THREE Krispy Kreme doughnuts! I may have to rename this diary FATTYcookie. This is not the way to shift my pregnancy pounds, but frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

2. FACT! Been wondering what it would be like to be an Earth Mother. This was inspired by an article I read in a magazine about parenting around the world. Apparently outside of the US and the UK colic is virtually unheard of. I wonder why that is??? In some countries the baby spends 90% of the time being held by their mother (HOW is that possible?!). In two thirds of the world co-sleeping is the norm. Could I be an Earth Mother? Baby born at home, baby strapped to my front all day, using cloth nappies, breastfeeding conventionally instead of expressing round the clock. Hmmmm. I quite like the idea but I think I’m too much of a convenience freak. Not that expresing every single darn feed is convenient. I do still wish I could have breastfed conventionally *sigh*. Ah well….next time I know exactly what problems I’ll have so I can sort them out quickly!

3. FACT! William has been a cranky pants all day and I have no idea why. He’s slept for about an hour since 8am. Mike’s got a virus and I hope to God he hasn’t caught it. He has his jabs on Tuesday….YIKES.

4. FACT! I love this time of year! Cosy evenings, cups of tea, good telly, snuggling on the sofa, looking forward to Christmas! And this year everything is that bit more exciting as we have a gorgeous (albeit slightly cranky!) little baby to share it with!

5. FACT! I really feel like drinking lots of wine. 3 glasses would be nice! Just to get that fuzzy, tipsy feeling. I miss that. You always want what you can’t have, eh? Mike went out again last Thursday- ‘wetting the baby’s head’, apparently. When do I get to wet the baby’s head? Grrrr. He’s not going out for a while now though so I’m pacified.

6. FACT! I am now going to go and prepare a vegetable curry to try and repare some of the damage done by my E-number overload this weekend.

Thanks SO much to all noters on my last entry by the way-brilliant advice, and very reassuring *cyber hug to all noters*. He’s still ok in the basket for now-he’s not as cramped as I originally thought-but I have an action plan (to be disclosed in a future entry….!) for when he outgrows it!

lots of love from fattycookie and crankypants William xxxxxxxxxx


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October 29, 2006

fattycookie LMAO All that food sounds good! An Earth mother….I don’t think it’s for me. Not that I oppose it but really I’m way too busy to wear/hold my child 90% of the time!

October 29, 2006

Yum. Sounds like you’ve had a great weekend, e-number intake wise. Hehehe. William’s only just 2 months old. You’ve got miles of excuse left in the whole ‘i had a baby’ thing. 😉 I am so craving After Eight straws now. In any flavour. *drools*

October 29, 2006

Im happy that you indulged this weekend. There is nothing wrong with eating whatever you want every once in a while 🙂 GO YOU! I love this time of year too, although it would be better if my husband were home at night. Have a good day 🙂

October 29, 2006

What is it with our babies today? Krista has been fussy all day too. And, at the moment, I am drinking that glass of wine. I’ll have one for you too, lol.

join my weightloss club if you are feeling fattycookie! Im definately a fattylaura after this weekend! xxx

aww, cranky pants william..lol! you gotta love em! man all that food sounds good…as a matter of fact while I was reading your food list I was eating a banana nut bread muffin and an apple cinnamon one…not to mention I just had a cheeseburger…now we’re both fatties..*shoves more muffin into mouth*

October 29, 2006

good food..mm…that is why i gained 10 lbs…grated they were doctor ordered…but still LOL

October 30, 2006

The fun part about lactating is that you can eat those things and they have a slightly less effect on you than women who don’t lactate. I keep telling myself this. Of course, I can out eat just about anyone right now and I’m not gaining weight. If you only eat like that once in a while, you’re doing fine! Maybe William is having a growth spurt. SuperChunk gets cranky with those.