Rainy day

It’s been raining all day here. Autumn has definitely arrived…went for a walk yesterday in the sun and felt that familiar chill in the air. I love this time of year….it’s crisp and fresh, you can dig out your old comfy jumpers (dressing is SO much easier at this time of year!) and I start to get excited about Christmas! I love snuggling up on the sofa in soft pyjamas with a cup of tea, putting the fire on…..ahhhh, I’m sounding all wistful!

My boy has FINALLY fallen asleep in my arms……and I’m stuck with Star Trek on the TV as I daren’t move in case he wakes up. He now weighs 10lb so my arm is beginning to buckle slightly. Today he has mostly cried and grizzled.  I think the curry I had last night might have upset his tummy…..it’s been making these weird gurgly sounds. Instead of being content after feeds, like he usually is, he’s screaming the place down…..I think it’s trapped wind, but it’s a bitch to get it all up. I’m using this Colief stuff before every feed-it’s supposed to break down the lactose in the milk, or something- but I don’t think it’s making a blind bit of difference! Thank God for my Baby Bjorn sling-when all else fails, I put him in it and he stops crying instantly! It must stretch his tummy out or something.

Despite all this, we had a big triumph last night-he fell asleep in his basket with only a few grizzles after his middle-of-the-night feed!!! Woohoo! That’s a first!

I’m so tired. I don’t know where the hours in the day go! I don’t feel like my entries are very inspired at the mo. In fact all I seem to write about is feeding and sleeping!  Ok, so here’s something a little bit different……and I need help from you guys……Jess aka utopian*dream did this, and I think it’s a fab idea. Ask me questions! Anything at all. Or request pics. Anything to get me writing about something other than baby stuff!

Be back to note later….the little man is stirring…………….


lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxx

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October 5, 2006

I gave up on Colief and Infacol. They were both utterly useless, IMO, and I’m sure the INfacol actually made Sam worse! Slings are def a saviour. Hope your dead-arm gets some feeling back soon and William shifts his giant ten lb bum off it. 😉

October 5, 2006

I agree with it being easier to dress in this weather! I love wearing big jumpers and warm trousers and kicking leaves. I prefer winter though. :o) Um, questions….what was your dream job when you were a nipper? Where is your ideal holiday destination? Favourite food?

October 5, 2006

we dont mind reading about feeding and sleeping…lol. I feel sometimes like it is prepping me for the reality of having a baby. Have you tried some sort of gas reliever for babies? They have them here and I have heard they work wonders. A question….well im brain dead right now and cant think of one…ill note again if i think of it

October 8, 2006

How did you meet Mike? What animal would you like to come back as and why? What are you afraid of? One embaressing (sp?) story please.. & a picture of William wearing sunglasses :o) xxx (PS – Infacol helps Jake a lot where Colief did absolute poo.. but the best thing seems to be a bay leaf boiled in water for 10 minutes or so. And he likes the taste!)