
Hey lovely people,

I finally feel like I’m emerging from the baby bubble I’ve been in for the last 4 wks! Things are beginning to seem more normal. It seems normal to have William around the place, instead of downright bizarre! I’m getting into a routine of sorts. Not a Gina Ford routine….that’s too scary. Has anyone tried that, by the way?! The idea of having William sleeping through the night at 8 weeks is very tempting-which is what she claims will happen if you follow her routine-but the routine is SCARY. I have to eat tea and toast on the dot at 8am every day, for example. WTF?! William would have to be fed every 4 hours, at set times, with set times for naps as well….and there may be occasions where he has to cry himself to sleep. Yikes! Not for me…..but I’m sure it works like a dream for some babies. Anyone tried it?!

William’s bedtime routine went to pot a bit at the weekend, as we went to dinner at our friend’s house on Friday night (I drank a glass of champers and 2 glasses of wine and was more than a little woozy…teehee….thank goodness for stored expressed milk!!!). Did it last night though (and am going to do it religiously every night from now on….), and he slept angelically from 8pm til 11pm, and then after his 11pm feed and 3am feed…..

GRIZZLE GRIZZLE GRIZZLE! The grunter was back with a vengeance! And GOD, was it loud?! It’s like he knows that his mummy is in the room. I’m going to give him 2 weeks, max, to stop the grunting! If it carries on, I think he’ll have to go in his cot in the spare room, as I am going to go slightly insane through lack of sleep. I really wanted him to stay in the moses basket in our room for 6 months, as everyone recommends, but heyho, what can you do?!

Not much else to report……going to a wedding on Sat so we went shopping yesterday for some garments with which to swathe my post-pregancy wobbly body…..needless to say it was a very depressing experience and I am going to have to purchase some super-suck-in, tummy flattening, Bridget Jones-style pants to look vaguely decent…. Hurumph.

Rightio, I’m going to go and eat some choccie!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxx

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September 25, 2006

Found you on the front page – you are doing a great job! Trust your insticts and his signals more than a book, just like you are doing! and both of you will be just fine. Congrats on your new little person!

September 25, 2006

LOL, Gina Ford is a bit too military for my liking. In another few weeks you’re going to find that William starts his own schedule regardless. Sam fell into a schedule of napping and eating and sleeping around 10 weeks old, and it worked great. Much better than trying to bend William to fit a scedule that doesn’t mesh with his ingrained awake/asleep times.

September 25, 2006

Glad things are getting so much better! You have to keep us updated with William pics, I bet he’s changing already from the last ones! I don’t like the sound of that at all… It’d just be so frustrating to try and keep to something like that when you have enough to worry about as it is! Is expressing still going well? xxx

September 25, 2006

glad you are getting into a routine. Sounds like William is doing well, overall. I have never heard of that gina ford thing, sounds a little too out there for me, no thanks…lol. We want more pics! lol…take your time but it would be nice to see them. Glad youre out of the bubble 🙂

September 25, 2006

found your on the parenting page and read a few entries. You sound like an awesome mother! The point of mothering (I believe): trying your hardest to do everything *right* and fowling up all over the place! hehe just the fact that you TRY to be the best mom you can be, makes you the best mom you can be. And noones way is “right”. 🙂 I learned that with my first and it really takes a load off. 🙂