Query: is my baby half farmyard animal?

Seriously! I appear to have given birth to a baby that is part pig/cow/any other farmyard animal you can think of. He GRUNTS and GRIZZLES and SNORTS all night long!!! It’s so LOUD!! He’s still protesting about being put in his moses basket to fall asleep by himself so we have to listen to his grunts of protest which can go on for AGES! If he cries, I obviously pick him up and soothe him, but these grunts……my God. It’s like he’s having a massive poo. Question: would I be a terrible mother if I wore earplugs at night?!

This night-time routine is hard. I’m sticking with it but it really takes perseverance. I HATE leaving him to grizzle up in our bedroom while we’re down here in the lounge. He lies in his basket, grizzling, wide awake and obviously fed-up that he’s not downstairs where all the fun is, and I find it quite upsetting.  He’s a baby that loves cuddles and human contact and it seems a bit mean to leave him upstairs by himself. But I still feel like I’m doing the right thing…………he has to get used to this, right?!

However, last night as he grizzled, snorted and grunted in protest, I was soooooo tempted to bring him downstairs but that would have completely screwed up the routine. He eventually fell asleep about 9pm and Mike and I had a glass of wine and watched some TV-finally some ‘couple’ time! When he woke up for his next feed he wouldn’t settle afterwards (quel surprise), and the one after that, but I got some sleep at some point so I must have just tuned the grizzling out. Mike did the 4am feed while I went and expressed-it was great! 

Anyway Mike and I are going to make his bedtime a bit later temporarily, because at 7/8pm he’s just not tired enough for sleep. 

Yikes! The little man is waking up. I’d better shoot off. Be back later!

love happycookie and my little grizzler, PigBaby aka William xxxxxxxx  

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September 22, 2006

Stick with the routine – he will get used to it! There’ve been several nights when Angelo won’t settle and I’ve been tempted to drop the routine but everyone keeps saying it’s so important so I haven’t. I just keep thinking about how difficult it’d be to put him into a routine if he got too used to not having one. It’s so hard though isn’t it?

September 22, 2006

do you have a health visitor?? she/he should be great for helping out….

September 22, 2006

Jake’s a real grunter too – he wakes me up just snoring! Stick at it love, you’ll get there – I’m having trouble sticking at it too but I’ve made it mcuh later now, so his last feed is around 11pm. He fits in much better with my routine that way – sleeps a good chunk of the early hours and is up for a feed at a more reasonable hour! xxx

September 22, 2006

Stick with it 🙂 Hes ok upstairs while you are downstairs. lol, i wouldnt wear the earplugs, sounds like a not so good idea. Good luck, he’ll adjust soon.

September 22, 2006

Thats so funny. Krista grunts all night too. I never knew babies made such weird noises.

September 22, 2006

LMAO…hon, I’ve slept with earplugs for the past year. There is no shame in that at all. As well, sam was so freaking noisy that he was in his own room on day 2. I am the lightest sleeper in the world. 😀