
I can’t think of a title?!

Misc stuff:

1. We’ve done 2 nights of William’s going-to-bed routine. Bath, book, feed, burp. The first night it worked much better than I thought it would! It took him an hour to settle but HE FELL ASLEEP BY HIMSELF!! In his moses basket…which until now, he’s hated!! Whoooopeee! Last night, not so good….he kept on crying, I kept on feeding him, and eventually he settled. I’m getting enough sleep to just about see me through the day, but getting up to express every night, sometimes twice a night, is KILLING me! I sit in the lounge with the breast pump whirring, feeling like a big cow with my udders out, knowing that when I get back to bed I’ll probably just be dozing off and then William will wake for his next feed……

2. Speaking of expressing…, it’s hard work. My electrical pump is beginning to die because of overuse. I’m expressing about 8 times a day. Each time I get at least 3oz, sometimes as much as 5oz, which is enough to feed him breast milk (given via bottle) throughout the day….at night I do 2 formula feeds to give me a chance to replenish my stock! Baring in mind that each expression can take up to 30 mins, that is a LOT of time I’m spending expressing! I need a better pump-in fact I’ve found one designed for working mothers who express all their baby’s milk, but it costs a whopping £200 and I can’t get it until the end of the month when I get paid again….but here it is!!!

3. I’ve been really ratty with Mike. I’m being a bit of a bitch probably. He’s just irritating me all the time right now. He’s a heavy sleeper, so William’s cries don’t wake him in the night. Besides, he has work in the morning, and I always said I’d do the night feeds. But as as I’m feeding William at 4am, I look at Mike enjoying his 7-hours-straight-deep-sleep, and I feel soooooooooo cross and resentful! I’d kill to get the kind of sleep he’s getting every night.

I think we need some quality time together as a couple, as I feel like we’re not properly talking about anything anymore….last night we got a bottle of wine and were going to spend a couple of hours watching tv snuggled up on the sofa, but of course Master William had other plans….!

4. Having more ‘up’ days now. This has been a good week. Of course I still worry like a loon about anything and everything. But things are getting easier as the days roll by *touch wood*. My little guy is clearly gaining weight and thriving-in fact, I’m going to get him weighed today! He’s got fat chipmunk cheeks and looks chunkier all over.

This is going to sound silly, but I’m never quite sure what to do with him when he’s awake!! And he can stay awake for up to 5/6 hours at a time!! We have a little play, and then I put him in his bouncer or on his playmat, but he doesn’t seem terribly interested in any of the above and (now this is going to sound ridiculous…..) I wonder if he’s BORED!? But what else can you do with a nearly 4 week old?! Any advice, mummies?!

Rightio, it’s gorgeous weather here today in Maidenhead so I’m going to make the most of it and go shopping!!

lots of love happycookie and William (who has really smelly gas at the moment-gross) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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September 21, 2006

The expressing doesn’t sound fun and I think it’s great that you’re keeping it up despite the hassle. I worry about the exact same thing with what I’m supposed to do with him all day! He’s awake nearly the whole time and I keep worrying that I’m not stimulating him enough with enough multi-sensory activities!!! We sing, play on the playmat and bouncy chair, wave a few toys about….then what?!

September 21, 2006

Jake doesn’t pay much attention to toys and such, and he’s 7 weeks old now. I just try to talk to him and stimulate him as much as I can! I’m waiting for when he can interact back because right now it’s all me! The health visitor said to just keep at it, but what do you do after a couple of hours of one way play?!

September 21, 2006

Glad you’re more up now.. nice to see happycookie back! Is that the medela swing pump? I’m debating getting it myself.. my pump is dying! Well done for sticking at it.. you’ve more willpower than me! xxx

September 21, 2006

Hope everything gets better for you! RYN: oh yeah, the Baby Einstein movies are wonderful! Alexis started watching them around 3 or 4 months old while we were at my friend’s house. It kept the kids entertained while we cleaned or chatted or planned her wedding. It’s very entertaining, and also very educational. So worth it.

September 21, 2006

Krista is awake for most of the day as well. She wants to be held most of that time, so I wind up putting her in the baby carrier and going about my routine.

September 21, 2006

thats good that you are keeping up with the pumping, even if its not fun. Instead of getting up on your own to express, can you do it right after you feed William? that way youre already up and can go back to sleep shortly after him. I went to a class that said men physiologically (sp?) are heavy sleepers than woman, so thats why he doesnt wake up 😉

As I am not a mummy, I dont know what advice is best but maybe start playing him some music whilst you’re doing your thang around the house ?

September 21, 2006

The Man is a deep sleeper too, I used to get so annoyed that I’d kick him in the shins before I got up to feed Sam. ROFL! But he was always really good and either did the 1am feed before bed or got up early and did a 6 or 7am feed for me. Does your hospital do breast pump rentals?? Then you could try before you buy. Although that looks like a Medela which is supposed to be the gold standard. William sure manages to stay awake for long stretches! Maybe take him fora walk, sit him in his bouncer while you potter about talking to him, Baby Einstein’s are fab (nice classical music and not annoying at all). All of a sudden, you’ll start to notice William interacting with you and his toys a lot more….:-)