the fog is lifting

What would I do without all my lovely noters?! Thanks so much guys for your lovely notes after my seriously depressed last entry.  You’re all fab and tomorrow, I promise, I’m going to get back to everyone and catch up with everyone’s diaries!

The baby blues are lifting. I still have worries but I no longer feel swamped. I’ve found a solution of sorts to my feeding worries. I’ve got an electric pump and I’m expressing round the clock (every 3 hours). I’m then storing all my expressed milk in the fridge and feeding it to him in a bottle. At the mo I have plenty so he’s getting lots of big feeds. That’s in the day. At night, we’re doing formula. I still feel vaguely guilty about that (God, I don’t even know why….I blame the media, midwifes, etc….). I also started trying to get him to latch on to my boob again today. We’re not really getting anywhere but at least I’m trying!

Once I made the decision to throw away the nipple shield, I felt a zillion times better. I swear it caused my mastitis. And feeding was horrible with it. Expressing every feed is hard work but for now, it will do nicely. I’m going to go to a local breastfeeding support group on Friday to ask for help with latching, but to be honest, I don’t know if William will ever latch on. He’s got so used to the bottle now!

I still have worries-eg expressing is obviously not the same as a baby’s mouth, so will my supply be able to keep up with his demands? How will I keep up this expressing rigmarole when I’m out for the day? etc etc. But I’m just taking it a day at a time.

Mike went back to work today, but I’ve managed to kick ass and do everything all by myself! He was so sad to go back-he’s completely smitten with William, and proving to be an amazing dad. I knew he would be!

Well I’m off to express again-woohoo!!!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxx


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September 11, 2006

im glad that you found a solution! CONGRATS and it sound like it will do nicely…as long as he gets his milk :)The class will be fun and informative. Congrats again and im glad you are feeling better….way to go!

September 11, 2006

Glad you’re feeling better! Sometimes the simplest actions and decisions have the most impact. 🙂

September 11, 2006

pumping should be fine as long as you keep up with it. a friend of mine pumped for 6 months and only used BM, so im sure it can be done.

September 12, 2006

I never felt like formula was terrible – it was more the fact that I felt like a failure for not being able to breastfeed, & all the pressure to do it made it worse. I’m glad you’ve found something that works for you! sounds like such hard work! xxx