William George was born last Saturday, 26th August at 10.43am, after a 36 hour labour, weighing 7lbs 1oz!!!

I had to stay in hospital with him til yesterday because I tore so badly *shudder* and then my little man got jaundiced and had to have phototherapy treatment!!! He’s still quite jaundiced, but it should disappear within the next few days!

Our first day at home is going well but it’s a bit scary trying to work out why he’s crying etc.! I’ve had about 10 hours sleep since last Thursday (no kidding) so feel completely spaced out, but I’m loving being a mummy! I’m so in love with my little man-it’s unbelievable, I just can’t believe he’s mine. I can’t stop staring at his tiny fingers and toes!

I’ll write the birth story etc up and post some piccies when I have more time-prob at the weekend. It was quite traumatic but worth every minute!

I’ll be back soon!

lots of love happycookie and my gorgeous little minicookie, William! xxxxxxxxxx 

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August 31, 2006

congratulations honey

August 31, 2006


August 31, 2006

A random noter wishing you many congratulations on the birth of your little boy!

August 31, 2006

I don’t know you but I found you on recent… congrats on the new baby.

August 31, 2006

CONGRATULATIONS! I did wonder if you were having the wee little man!! Enjoy being home again, i had no sleep at ALL the three days I was stuck in the ward. And post a baby pic when you can… I am so so pleased for you guys. You’re a family of three now. *HUG*


August 31, 2006

Congratulations! xx

August 31, 2006

congrats!!! That is so exciting! enjoy every moment with your lil man!

August 31, 2006

Congrats! Can’t wait for pics!

August 31, 2006

whoo hoo!! Congratulations to you. Wow, thats so amazing. was that the weekend the in laws were there? lol. Good job and good luck, youll do great!

August 31, 2006

I think this calls for a big, fat ‘awwww’. Many, many congratulations 🙂 xxx

August 31, 2006


Oh my dearest, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 William George is a lovely name. Im so happy for you honey. *big smooshy hugs and a teddy bear for William!* xxxxxx

August 31, 2006


August 31, 2006

congrads 😀

September 1, 2006

Awwwwwwwwwww…congratulations sweetie!!! Looks like I found you just on time!! hehe!

September 1, 2006

I knew it!!!! And I got his name right hehe :o)How very british :o) Congratulations sweetie. Present should be with you between Monday-Friday next week :o) xxx

September 1, 2006

congrats! can’t wait to see the pics! you are going to be a great mum by the sound of things so far! ***HUGE HUGZ*** for both of you!!!

i’ve been reading your diary for a while (and loving it) i had my fingers crossed for you because you were so worried that something would go wrong… CONGRATULATIONS! i’m sooooooo happy for you! 🙂 🙂

September 3, 2006

WELL DONE MOMMY! Congrat’s can’t wait to hear the birthstory!

September 4, 2006

Congratulations – that’s Wonderful 🙂 *Hugs