36 week belly pics – BIG MOMMA


I’ll post these first before I forget….behold, in all its enormous glory, my 36 week belly!! Bear in mind that I’m in ‘Sunday mode’ today; e.g. no make-up, mad, unwashed hair and strange clothes.

And no I haven’t been drinking the vodka in the background!!!


This weekend has (mostly) been lovely, apart from weirdness last night.

*WARNING-long & weird musings coming up*

Friday night was FAB-I was so pleased Pete won Big Brother!!!  I was like a hyperactive child all the way through the final!!! Yesterday was very quiet as Mike and I are both very skint-apart from a brief visit to the supermarket we stayed in, drank tea and munched cookies!! Mmmmm.

I’d been my normal happycookie self all day, but around 7pm I had a bit of a meltdown. I was reading some of the diaries I used to keep as a teenager. In a nutshell, I was reading about some of the arguments I used to have with my mum (we didn’t have LOADS, but there were a few HUGE ones…) and I got really cross because they were so unfair. I gave my parents very, very little to worry about as a teenager-I worked hard at school, never answered back and was basically a sensible geek. But they still found things to pick at-as the first-born, whenever they were stressed or fed-up they basically took it out on me. My younger brother got away with murder. I think a lot of it was to do with my mum’s hormones-she didn’t start taking HRT until 1999, and she had a hysterectomy in 1983 so she had almighty mood swings. 

These days she doesn’t and I’m incredibly close to both of them-they’re both amazing and I don’t know where I’d be without them. What was frustrating me when I was reading these diaries was how incredibly door-mat-like I was. I never had the guts to say, ‘hey, this is a bit unfair-if I was taking drugs or sleeping around, you’d REALLY have something to confront me about!’. I’ve got more assertive as the years have gone on but I still hate confrontation and am crap at telling people when I have a problem with them. Hence all the problems with my teaching assistants last year. I just like to get on with everyone and have an easy life. Part of the problem is that I’m ridiculously sensitive and take things to heart waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I get far too easily offended. I need to get a thicker skin and be more assertive. My recent KICK THE BUTT entry was me at my most assertive and man, it felt good! I’m going to try my hardest to keep on kicking butt, and telling people when they upset me or piss me off……. (in a nice way, of course…) I don’t want to become all hard-as-nails though, cos that’s just not me……..ugh it’s so difficult.

Anyway-for some reason last night my old diaries made me burst into tears-I couldn’t stop crying! Absolutely ridiculous-must be my pregnancy hormones. A glass of wine (my first in 4 months!!) and a good movie (Wedding Crashers) cheered me up somewhat. Today I feel fine. Very weird.

I’ve rambled on for long enough. Not quite sure where all of this came from, but it felt good to write it out. Time to go and get another cookie I think. Yum!


love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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August 20, 2006

Less than a month left 🙂 CONGRATS! Your belly still looks so cute! And it looks like you dont even have any stretch marks!

August 20, 2006

awe, such a perfectly round belly. Its so cute 🙂

August 20, 2006

I did the same thing with my old diaries about a month ago and had the same reaction… such silly hormones.

August 20, 2006

They’re fab pictures 🙂 xxxx

August 20, 2006

Ohhhh..what a gorgeous tummy, and you look sooo happy!! I am really chuffed that Pete won too! xx

August 20, 2006

Def the hormones. I was like a water factory the entire time I was pg, and then for another few months afterwards lol! Stock up on the Kleenex. Your bump is ace! It’s the prefect baby bump…and you think it can’t get any bigger…but it will. Hehehe. Should drop way down soon though (if it hasn’t already). Mmm…wine is yummy, even moreso after a long hiatus. 🙂 And I still thinkGlyn should have won but if he didn’t, Pete is the next best thing.

You look so radiant darling and with a gorgeous bump! 😛 Please dont have mini-cookie until I get back…Please???? 😛 Lol, Im so selfish! Jeez, if Im this excited about mini-cookie entering the world then lord knows how you must be feeling! See you next week! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

August 20, 2006

You are too cute!!

August 22, 2006
