36 weeks, tra la la


Just a quickie…..I’m 36 weeks today!! Hurray!!! Went to the midwife yesterday and it’s all GOOD NEWS!! Baby is still head-down (yipeeeee!)-midwife says it’s very unlikely he’ll turn round now. Big relief! I’m measuring big and the midwife reckons that if I got to full term, the baby will weigh about 8 and a half pounds!!! Eeek!! The baby’s head is 2/5ths engaged & the midwife thinks it’s very unlikely I’ll go over my due date. YAY!! Hope she’s right….

Not much else to report. The days are flying by and I’m really not doing any awful lot. Mostly I:

1) Surf the net-have loads of favourite sites that I check out daily, such as open diary, baby centre, tes (for teachers)…..can while away hours doing this!! While surfing I listen to the radio (usually capital fm) or at the moment I’ve got Big Brother on-only 2 more days to go (SOB!).

2. Nest-sorting out baby’s stuff, clothes, room….nearly finished that all now though!

3. Read. I’m a BIG reader and can devour a book in a couple of days! Also been reading my pregnancy magazines and books. I’m also a secret fan of tacky, trashy women’s weeklies like Chat and Pick Me Up…..

4. Watch some TV. I find daytime TV quite depressing though. I usually half-watch Jeremy Kyle (he is SO annoying, that man-for U.S. readers, he’s a chat show host!), then watch Family Fortunes at lunch (I try to play along…). This afternoon, cos it’s pissing down with rain, I might watch Maybe Baby, a Brit movie about a couple trying for a baby!

Also been meeting up with girls from the antenatal class, chatting for ridiculous lengths of time on the phone to my mum, cleaning (oven today!!), cooking etc. Luckily since I was a child I’ve always been quite good at entertaining myself, which is just as well, cos I’m getting more and more housebound as the weeks roll by!! I don’t want to get bored and restless cos then the time will REALLY drag by. I’ve been off work for 4 weeks now and not been bored at all….long may it continue!

Home alone tonight though …..Mike has a leaving do for one of his colleagues, and won’t be back til gone 1am I reckon! Think I’ll put my jimjams on and curl up on the sofa with some trashy TV.

Have a lovely day everyone!

lots of love happycookie and minicookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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August 17, 2006

I’m an avid reader too. Before my daughter was born, I could finish a book within 2 days. When I was on bedrest for the last 2 weeks of my preg, I devoured a book and a half a day.

August 17, 2006

Oooh, I read you shouldn’t use oven cleaner when pregnant! All other cleaners are fine, it’s just oven cleaner that’s bad for your lungs. (It’s a good excuse to get somebody else to do it, lol!) My midwife told me Bob would weigh 8 and a half pounds. I think that’s just Midwife-ese for big, because he was 9lb 4 oz when he came out!

August 17, 2006

Read a TON in the next few weeks. I so remember this time last year, I had stacks of library books and would beach myself in the shade on the sunlouger and DEVOUR books. Take advantage now because right after babe’s gets here you won’t be able to read nearly as much. But it does even out again. I was so depressed when I realized I’d been reading the SAME book for the past three weeks. Heheh. 2/5 ths already!! Def sounds like baby is almost ‘done’. Eeeee! So exciting. You know, from now on if you don’t update semi-regularly, we’re all going to be wondering if you’ve had the baby already. 🙂 And just because…do you want Glyn or Pete to win? Or someone else? I vote for Glyn just beceause he’s SOOOO darn innocent. 😉

August 17, 2006

sounds like…fun? hehe. Glad your appointment went well and the baby is ok. good luck and it will go by fast…only 4 weeks.

August 17, 2006

o0o you’re nearing the end of things. That’s very exciting. I’m happy to hear that things are going so well so far. Your days sound about like mine… way too much like mine its scary. Take care, Skippy

36 weeks, wow! Its flown by! and 2/5 eh? I imagine he’ll be along soon to say hello! I love reading too, Ive just spent so much money in WHS yday on books for my holiday, lots of trashy chick lit to numb my brain! I may have to buy some more because I can read a book completely in a morning, I read uber fast! Im a book whore! Are you voting for Petey? Im still rooting for Richard butI’ll be happy if pete, glyn or aisleyne win. Nikki and Jennie just dont read on my radar Im afraid! mwah xxx

RYN: sod off! You’ll buy it off me???…chuh, I’ll GIVE the book to you, silly sausage! Mind you, I got it cheap in WHS, its on the BOGOHP offer (Buy One Get One Half Price). I think Pete is GORGEOUS. Ive always had a thing for the quirky men and I tell you, there is something about his smile that makes me go OOOH! Ive voted for Richard twice and thats it, I cant afford multiple votage! mwah and hugs xxx