Ready to give birth NOW!

Hey guys,

I am SO ready to give birth now!! Ok, I’m only 35 wks and 4 days but I’m getting TOO EXCITED!!! I’m trying to convince myself that our little man will arrive early (around 38/39 wks would be perfect!!) so the time left to wait is shorter!! Tomorrow I have a midwife appointment & I’m hoping she’ll say the baby is at least a bit engaged. I’ve had some weird, take-your-breath-away pressure pains low down in my pelvis, when it feels like the baby is pressing down very hard on my cervix…..but my mum said when the baby is REALLY engaged, you get a ‘splitting’ sensation (ouch!) and it feels like he’s going to fall out when you walk!! Well, I haven’t got that yet, but it’s probably a bit early! I’m pretty sure he’s still head-down, but I get kicks and punches all over the place so who knows?! God I hope he is!

I’ve been nesting like crazy-spent yesterday sorting out my hospital bag, & some little outfits to take to hospital for our little man to wear-they are SO CUTE and made me go all gooey!! My bump is now so huge that I’ve outgrown all my maternity clothes-my bump hangs out in a very undignified fashion! Feel like a great bit lumbering whale!! My latest wacky pregnancy gripe is crampy legs-every morning, without fail, I’m woken at 7.30am by aching up and down my legs, rendering any more sleep impossible!! Must be something to do with the baby sitting on nerves or something…..also, EVERY night I’m having baby-related dreams! Last night I dreamt about breastfeeding-it was a breeze! The night before I dreamt that I’d gained so much weight during pregnancy, I was now weighing in at 23 stone! 

A few of my close friends threw me a baby shower at the weekend-they transformed my front room into a spa and gave me lots of lovely treatments, pedicures, manicures, massage etc. It was gorgeous! We then drank cocktails (fruity ones for me!) and played some silly games, e.g. guess the baby food (blindfolded!!)….for every game we played, whether I won or not, I got prizes! It was a wonderful day & I got some really gorgeous things, heaps of clothes and lots of practical stuff like maternity towels (yuck)! They’re the best friends a girl could ask for……

Anyway-off to have some lunch now, and then I’m coming back to do some notie-ing and catch up…..toodlepip!

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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August 15, 2006

Ok here is a bit of advice.Leave a few things that need to get done for the baby for the last 2 weeks.I was like you…I had everything pretty much ready at 36 weeks thinking he would come early.Well, Im 39 weeks now and Im going out of my mind because I have everything ready and still no baby!So at your midwife appt. if she says you arent near time to have your baby then just relax for now.

August 15, 2006

You know, I never had a splitting sensation or anything like that. Just pressure. Uncomfy, not painful. Has your bump dropped at all yet? I remember so clearly one night, I got out of the bath and thought my bump looked lower. Went to the full length mirror and holy drop batman! I actually had seperate boobs again instead of a giant boob/bump in one. Heh. I kno you’re so excited for babe’s to get here. But don’t get too fixated on your due date. it’s really common for first babies to go over. I found it easier and better for my sanity to focus on two weeks AFTER the due date. When I knew, no mater what, that the baby would be here. 🙂 RYN: Yes, it’s his Grobag. They’re ace! We didn’t use it at first because Sam had to be at least 10lbs (they’ve since changed to from 7lbs). Plus, with all his bruising, Sam had to sleep on his right side for a month and it was just as easy to wedge him in with a blanket. But now…we couldn’t live without teh Grobags. He is the wiggliest thing in the night. Just like me. 😉

August 15, 2006

LOL I was hoping Jake would be early and look what happened! Still, I know a little bit early would be great right? Just not too much! Your baby shower sounds lovely – you’re so lucky! And nest away Clare :o) he’ll be here soon! Do you have any names picked or are you not telling? :o) xxx

August 15, 2006

You had a baby shower? I wish they would catch on big style over here…it would be so much easier than waiting till after the baby is born….

August 15, 2006

That was nice of them to throw you a shower. I wish people were like that over here, I guess we’re just not going to have one. Hopefully your midwife will tell you something good 🙂 I’m overly excited to see my little one and i’m only 27 weeks. Take care. Skippy

August 15, 2006

i know you are excited but it wont be long now. Congrats and good luck!