34 weeks, and 4D scan pics!

Hey guys,

Just a quickie as I have to pop into town in a mo and I want to go before I get into my afternoon lull when all I wanna do is sleeeeeep…….

Our 4D scan last Saturday was absolutely AMAZING!! The sonographer did a 2D scan first, and the very first thing she said was, ‘ooh, there’s a big pair of testicles!!!!’ – no doubts about it being a boy then!! Very reassuring cos despite everything, I was still scared that he might be a girl and we have
so much blue stuff! Anyway-we saw his little face and watched as he rubbed
his eyes, OPENED his eyes, grabbed his feet (I counted all 10 toes!!!), 
and even sucked and smiled! It was just amazing. I even saw the umbilical cord floating around and the walls of my womb-very bizarre!!! We have a 17
min DVD of the whole thing, and some fab piccies. Very reassuringly, the
sonographer told us that he’s now head down in exactly the right
position for birth, although he still might turn round again-there’s a lot of
fluid in front of him, which explains why I can still see and feel all his
movements so clearly.

Anyway, I took some pics of the pics-they’re obviously not very clear cos of the flash, but if you tilt the screen you can see better. In the first pic it looks like he’s flicking two fingers up at us, the monkey…..

My mum and dad are coming over tonight to watch the DVD and have dinner with us – I love showing him off!

Not much else to report-still enjoying my maternity leave; just reading, nesting, cooking, surfing, reading baby books/mags, and watching some cr*p daytime TV (trying to limit that though!!) Every day I watch ‘Babies: Special Delivery’ at 11am on Living TV – and every day without fail it makes me cry cos of all the cute newborns and overjoyed mums! I spent just an hour in town yesterday and ended up with a heavy, aching bump-it’s going to get harder to do stuff I guess now so I’m trying to finish all my nesting now.

I’m 34 weeks today and I guess I’m getting a bit impatient. The more baby stuff I read, the more I just want to have my baby NOW. Not literally, obviously, cos I’m only 34 weeks but I want to next 6 weeks to ZOOM!

I’m completely ready, emotionally and physically, to have this baby so BRING IT ON!!! *cheerleader-like chant over*

Right, I’m going to go into town-be back later to so some note-ing. Really wish at times like this that I had a) a drivers licence and b) a car. Ah well, the walk will keep me fit and hopefully prevent any more ass expansion…..

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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wow i never knew those 3d’s could be sooo amazing!!! i have had 5 kids and not one ultrasound like that!! *pouting* =( he sure is a cutie pie!! congrats -random noter-

August 3, 2006

Look at his little face!! How sweet. Now *I’m* getting all teary… You know, these six weeks will seem like they are going soooo slow. Especially the last two. But really, it’s going to zoom by. Take what time you can to relax and to enjoy being just the two of you, before you become a fam of three! 🙂

Wow, you can see his gorgeous little face so clearly! Wow…I think my ovaries are twanging now.

August 3, 2006

your baby is beautiful 🙂 I cant wait to be that pregnant. I get an ultrasound like that at 32 weeks. I cry when i watch special delivery too 😉

August 3, 2006

Those pics are awesome! We tried several times to get a 3D done of our baby but she would never cooperate with us and be in the right position.

August 3, 2006

What wonderful pictures! Look at that cheeky grin, aw! *fills up*

August 3, 2006

yeah they are amazing, I had that done with Kamrie… it was so awesome… much more exciting than the 2d ones huh? I have the dvd & a cd with 102 pictures of her.

August 4, 2006

Awwww I wish id had that done 🙂 xxxxxxx