Monday musings

Monday morning musings in handy bite-sized chunks, especially for y’all…..

* The christening yesterday was lovely! Except that due to serious traffic problems, we didn’t actually make it to the church on time, and missed the whole ceremony…….. Anyway, we ended up staying for drinks in a local pub afterwards for 3 hours, and I had a good catch up with all my friends… was lovely!

* I can’t stop visiting the bathroom (that’s the politest way I can think of to put it). It’s really beginning to PEE ME OFF (pardon the pun). My bladder must be the size of a walnut-I’m going every 5/10 mins. I can’t tell if I have a slight urinary infection or if this is just normal at this stage, but it’s not fun! Grrrrrrr!

* I’m getting kicks in the weirdest places! E.g., right up under my boobs. I think the baby might have turned round, which is fab, cos he was breech at my last midwife check. Random hard lumps keep on appearing out of my bump (quite fun trying to guess which bit of the baby it is!!), and despite the fact that the baby is supposed to be less active now, my little man is still wriggling around like crazy in there – it’s like he’s trying to get out to meet us!! He’s doing it right now, the little scamp!

* Last night I had a RUBBISH night’s sleep. I think this will be the norm now, so I’d better get used to it! I kept on waking up worrying that I was squashing the baby! And every time I want to turn over, I have to arrange my pillows again – one under the bump, one between my knees………add to all this merriment going to the bathroom every couple of hours……still, good practice for when the baby comes, hey?!

* It’s WONDERFUL being on holiday!! This morning I did everything in slow motion, instead of dashing around like a loony to get ready for work like I normally do. I feel relaxed and totally chilled out! I’ve actually got time to do all the stuff that I’ve been putting off for ages now…..bliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! 

* We’re having a 4D scan on Saturday, which I am very, very excited about! You get a DVD of the baby moving and EVERYTHING! Woohoooo!

Ok, time to visit the bathroom again. I only went 10 mins ago, but heyho!

See you soon!

love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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OMG, a 4D scan! That is so so so so cool! You know, its really hard to tell which part of the baby it is but you can usually make an educated guess. It does sound like mini-cookie has turned if he’s kicking the crap out of your boobies! So his head is probably quite far down into your pelvis now. If you want to have a feel for his head use both flats of your hands and feel just above your pubic

bone. When you can only feel about 2 fifths of his head or less (probably from 36-38 weeks onwards), then he is engaged in your pelvis and it wont be far off till you meet your little man! Enjoy your day off missy! xxx

July 24, 2006

A 4d scan!?! Awesome!! I would have loved to get that done. It costs sooooo much over here! xxxxxx

July 24, 2006

My little one used to stick her foot out about an inch and keep it there for a good hour, just sliding it back and forth on occasion. People used to comment that I had an alien in my belly, not a child. And it HURT! I guess that’s just a normal part of pregnancy…getting the baby to kick your insides out! And I went through the pee thing too, not terribly fun though, is it?

July 24, 2006

you have a very cute belly! i can’t wait til mine gets bigger so people wil KNOW i’m pregnant and not just think I’m packing on the pounds. :o)

July 24, 2006

The 4-D scan is one thing I regret not having. Ooooh, it’s going to be fab! I’m so jealous. And it def sounds like mini-cookie has done the flip! Great news (other than your poor bashed up boobies)! ENjoy being the lady of leisure…especially if this week is as hot as last week.

RYN: Lol, awww, his head will be quite far down now because you’re quite far along now (I cant believe how quickly its flown by, I remember when you were JUST pregnant…awww!!!) but he wont be just ready to pop out yet so dont worry! Can you feel his back and little botty and legs? I tell ya, this sounds so weird but feeling pregnant ladies tummies is the best thing about medical school, it just

just amazing, so so amazing! (I sound like a weird pervert now dont I?) Hope you’re enjoying your holidays my lovey!

July 25, 2006

RYN: Thanks so much. It’s funny how a few kind words can really boost you up.