Sunday musings

Just a quickie,

Random musings……..warning: musing 1, 2 and 3 are quite gross.

*POSSIBLE TMI WARNING* 1. I have not had any, erm, ‘action’ in the bedroom for a LONG time. Not since I had that bleed, in fact, which was March. That’s a LONG TIME AGO. My libido is non-existent. I just don’t fancy it, or anything else sexy for that matter. For some reason it feels wrong and weird and I’m worried that if we have sex again it will trigger a big bleed, which it probably will. Poor Mike! I’m still doing stuff to him to keep him happy, but I kinda miss my libido.  Question: when the hell will it come back?! I’ll be bleeding after the birth (assuming I have a normal birth), 1 crying baby + 2 tired parents = no sex, and then there’s the whole stretched-birth-canal, needle-in-bucket worry. *END OF TMI*

2. I’m worried about my boobs. Last time they were measured (3 months ago) they’d swelled to double DDs. Reckon they’re bigger now. I now think they look SAGGY. Especially my left one, which is slightly bigger than the right. I’m sure the nipple is pointing downwards more than it used to. They also don’t feel sexy in any way, shape or form anymore. My nipples are sensitive, they’re leaking sparodically and covered in veins.  WORRY: will my boobs every be the same again after pregnancy and breastfeeding?? Or will they turn into huge, drooping udders that reach my knees, with sore cracked nipples that I can’t bear anyone to touch? ARGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

3. Currently, I am needing to go to the loo about every 10 mins or so. Very annoying. My bladder must be the size of a grape.

NOTE: despite the above I am mostly LOVING being pregnant. I can’t wait for the baby to arrive and a distorted body is nothing compared to how wonderful becoming a mum will be. I just thought I’d share my obsessional worries with you, cos if I can’t write about it here, hey, where can I?!

4. This baby has a very sweet tooth! I’m so into chocolate, strawberry milkshakes, biccies, cakes and ice-cream right now! Mmmmmmm. I used to be such a savoury girl – it’s so weird!

5. My body hair isn’t growing anymore! Well not very much. I used to need to shave my legs every other day – now it’s once a week! And I haven’t plucked my eyebrows for weeks!! It’s great! Must be the hormones…..

End of random musings. Today I am mostly watching Nip/Tuck (nearly finished series 3 – I LOVE IT!!). 2 more weeks left at work AND COUNTING!

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie (who MUCH prefers this cooler weather!) xxxxxxxxxx

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July 9, 2006

I know all about the no sex- I haven’t been allowed to have sex for my ENTIRE pregnancy. Be glad your libido has taken a vacation – mine hasn’t so its torture. And what a lucky girl that your boobs have grown! I was sooo looking forward to that as I am small chested, but they havent grown one bit& I’m afraid I won’t be able to breastfeed. Sigh. I guess we all have our pregnancy issues, huh?

July 9, 2006

LOL! Ooooh, well, do you want the truth?? 1. sex will be the LAST thing on your mind, other than the oh-my-god-it’s-going-to-HURT thoughts. My libido is JUST returning now. 2. No, your boobs won’t be the same, whether you bf or not. Sorry. They WILL shrink up again though and turn normal colours. 3. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. You’ll know the location of every loo!

July 10, 2006

OK I’m really not going to say how long it’s been since I last had sex but you’re definitely not alone!! It’s been forever, my libido’s completely gone too. I’ll join you in hoping it comes back within a reasonable time! My body hair’s not growing either! Not that I’m complaining about that at all…think it’ll stay the way while breastfeeding? That’d be great!

July 10, 2006

Stay *that* way….I can’t type today!