Aaaaallll byyyyyy myseeeelllllllffff……

My husband has gone out on the LASH tonight! He’s having a boys night with 3 of his mates – they went to watch the cricket, and then they’re off to booze it up somewhere in London….I think they might also be going to a strip joint!! Yuck. I don’t mind; he deserves a big night out – he hasn’t been out with his mates for ages. And I’m quite content to chill here in my PJs and watch Big Brother!  I do miss him though, and I won’t be able to get to sleep properly until he’s home, which will probably be very late!

Anyway….SO glad the week is over! Have felt very very pregnant this week. Whenever I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a shop window, I can’t believe how big I am. And I’ve developed a pregnant woman waddle! The baby has been going NUTS in my tummy tonight. It’s like he’s trying to get out! Some of the wriggles and kicks are really uncomfortable, high up in my ribcage or right down in my groin – maybe he’s turning himself round?? It’s impossible to tell. But my tummy has been shaking so violently with his moves that I’ve been trying to soothe him by stroking my tum and talking to him…..he seems a little calmer now.

Anniversary of the London bombings today. The tube was quieter than normal this morning. I still remember July 7th last year so clearly. We weren’t involved in any way, but I remember being so scared. I hate it when they say on the news that more are probably to come. That’s really cheering, thanks guys! In 2 weeks I’ll barely be using the tube anymore, but Mike travels right through central London on the bakerloo line every day, twice a day. I know that you can’t live your life worrying about terrorist attacks, and the chances of being caught up in one are very slim (touch wood), but it still worries me.   

Nearly Big Brother time! Gotta go!

lots of love happycookie and my wriggly mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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July 7, 2006

OOohhh! Enjoy the alone time and tell me who gets evicted!!

July 8, 2006

Have you learnt to tell which way round he’s sitting yet? I’m getting better at it, but I still mess up occasionally! I haven’t reached the waddling stage yet – I think… hehe :o) not long now! xxx

July 10, 2006

Maybe you’re right and he was turning round? There’ve been a few times when baby’s gone absolutely loony and my stomach’s been shaking all over the place…really makes you wish you could see what they’re doing in there doesn’t it?! Sounds like a lovely evening relaxing :o)