Too HOT :-(


It’s 9.23am and I’m on Open Diary!!! Feels naughty.  I’m normally teaching my class of little darlings now. I had a midwife appointment this morning at 8.30am so I get the whole morning off!! Teehee! I don’t have to leave the house til 11am-ish. Needless to say, I really DON’T feel like going to work at all now…..why can’t I just stay here and put my feet up?!

Everything went well with the midwife, except it was insanely hot in the surgery and I was sweating profusely. Blood pressure fine, urine fine, bump size normal…..and I finally found it which way the baby is lying!! He’s been wriggling and kicking for Britain and random hard lumps keep on poking out, but it’s been impossible to figure out which bit is which. Was told this morning that he’s breech – his head is up near my ribcage and he’s sitting on his bottom with his legs lying round to my right side. Which makes sense, cos I get ALL the kicks on my right side. He has 10 weeks to turn – sure he will! Also heard his heartbeat, which was very strong. So, touch wood, everything’s honky dory for now!  

This weather has been hideously hot. Monday was uncomfortable but nowhere near as horrible as yesterday. I had parent meetings all morning in the school library.  The library was like a sauna. I sat and talked to parents about their little cherubs whilst poaring sweat. It was gross. I’m never normally this sweaty and hot – it must be the pregnancy. The afternoon was equally hideous – 30 hot little children + 1 greenhouse-like classroom = a very irritable, melting happycookie.  Then I had MORE bl**dy parent meetings after school until 6pm!! And as for the trainride home………I turned on my facefan and it was a bit more bearable. Thank God we have a fan here in the house – I slept well last night, and I’ve got it on right now!

I can’t WAIT til term finishes. 2 and a half wks to go! I’m SO OVER work now. Can’t really stress that enough! I’m so tired and teaching 30 infants is really hard work. There’s so much going on at the moment, it’s really busy with end-of-term stuff, and I just want to bury my head in the sand and SCREAM! Hence my reluctance to go to work this afternoon……

Anyway – enough moaning. God! I’m turning into such a whinger. Promise I won’t whinge so much when a) it gets cooler and b) I finish work!!!


lots of love happycookie and my little mini-cookie (who really is a bun in an OVEN!) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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July 5, 2006

I know it’s so damn hot. Yesterday, I just felt dirty and sticky all day – I changed my clothes 3 times and had two showers. I’m sure mini-cookie will right himself before he tries to make an appearance :o) they don’t tend to worry about it for another few weeks anyway. Don’t you find the kicks in the ribcage HURT?! School’s nearly out for the summer… smile :oD xxx

July 5, 2006

Heat here really is appauling. I know what you mean!! Its meant to be worse this weekend 🙁 Im soooo thankful im not pregnant. I couldnt cope in January let alone now!!! xxxxxxxx

July 5, 2006

I am so glad I’m missing the heatwave! It’s only about 23 here, and half the time we’re in the fog since my parents have the ocean in their backyard. Babe’s will probably turn fine, do you have an exercise ball/birthing ball? Argos sell them for about £3, get one, then lean over it while kneeling on the floor. Supposed to encourage babe to turn.

July 7, 2006

Glad everything went well with the midwife – I’m sure baby will turn soon! Hope you’re feeling better now it’s cooled down a tiny bit and just keep counting the days till you finish work :o)