Just a few pics…

All my news is in the previous entry, but I just thought I’d post some pics so you could see what me and hubby look like – it’s nice to have a face to put to a name! These were all taken in Paris in February.

Us at the top of the Eiffel Tower! Check out my ridiculous hat.

Mike, my husband.

Me, being a berk as always.

That’s all for now, folks!

love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This ticker says 27 wks and 2 days, but it’s actually 3 days – go figure?!


*EDIT – 5.49pm*

Just been looking at stillbirth stats on the web. Why? Why? Why am I torturing myself like that?! I’m a twerp. It’s like I can’t help myself.I know (touch wood) it’s very rare, so what’s the point in even worrying about it? ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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June 18, 2006

Lovely pics hun. I ♥ your hair. Love it. xxxxxx

*shush* dont look at stupid and incorrect internet stats…they are evil! It’ll be okay, I promise! *big hugs* xxxx

June 18, 2006

Stop torturing yourself. It doesn’t bear thinknig about – especially not web stats. If you really wanna know, ask someone that can give you a proper answer, not the cyber morons. Just this morning I read that my rheumatic condition is all in my head, and another report that it’s all from food allergies. yeah.. right.. On another note, you are such a cutie! I want curls…. snot fair :o) xxx

June 18, 2006

RYN: Thanks. Mama says that salsa’s a healthy one to crave too. I know how you feel about torturing yourself. I think I’ve read just about everything on miscarriage. Bah! My hubby keeps telling me to cut it out. Congrats! ~Ciao!

June 23, 2006

You sound a lot like me…looking up worst case scenario stuff online as some weird form of torture which, at the same time, is strangly comforting. Love the piccies! It’s alwys nice putting a face to the name. 🙂