Just stuffed my face….

….with a full-size PIZZA!!  On a Monday!! Monday is normally a healthy day and I WAS going to have a healthy fish pie with vegetables, but on my way home I just thought SOD IT! My reasons for stuffing myself…..

1. It was raining (still is…..for the zillionth day in a row)

2. I’ve had to start writing end-of-year reports for my class which is the most mind-numbingly boring, soul-destroying job in the world. Trust me.

3. Another member of staff pissed me off in our staff meeting after school….too boring to go into details but it was annoying.

4. Mike’s out on the lash….hurumph.

Not sure why I feel like I have to justify my gluttony – I’m sure the baby enjoyed the pizza as much as I did!!  He’s not moving at the moment though – I always get a bit worried when I don’t feel him move for a while. I just need one reassuring kick and I’ll be happy!

Anyway – just popped in to let you know about my pizza scoffing! Good day at school today – the kids in my class have reached the stage where they’re quite independent and I can have good conversations with them! They’re not ‘babies’ anymore. I’ll be sad to let them go in July. Especially when I don’t know when I’ll next be teaching again – 1 year, 2 years, more?! Who knows…..

love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxx

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