Lazy Sunday

What a lovely weekend it’s been so far! I’m currently in my PJs – haven’t yet brushed my teeth or my hair or even put on a bra cos it’s SLOBBY SUNDAY!!! Yay! 🙂

Yesterday was a fab day – we went over to Marlow (very posh town near Maidenhead) and I got some lovely maternity stuff from Blooming Marvellous – a green skirt for summer, a pink babydoll strapless top, and a kitsch t-shirt that says ‘Mind the Bump’ (hee hee!). Could have spent a fortune in there – their stuff is lush! Trying on stuff in the changing room with the harsh overhead lights was traumatic though. I have a delightful network of blue veins now running all over my boobs which are bigger and more pendulous than ever before. My nipples are still pornstar-esque – they’re HUGE! – and my butt has expanded, presumably to counter-balance my growing bump. I’m sure my thighs have grown too-grrrrrr.

Anyway……we also went to Mothercare and bought some baby clothes – 6 blue sleepsuits and a unisex set which has ‘I am NOT sleepy – I want to play’ all over it – absolutely gorgeous! And the most exciting thing….we finally upgraded our mobile phones. I’ve had the same phone for 3 years and it’s an embarassing brick – my new phone can play video ringtones and all kinds of other cool stuff. IT ROCKS!! God, I sound like I’m about 15…..

Last night I cooked a kick-ass veg lasagne with a ton of garlic in it and we watched the Eurovision song contest – always a cheese-fest – and Big Brother. Which I LOVE! I also had a glass of rose wine which made me feel very fuzzy and lovely. Now, that’s the 3rd glass of wine I’ve had in the entire time that I’ve been pregnant. I also had a glass of Pimms last weekend. Perfectly safe, ot so I thought….cos according to the Food Standards Agency 1/2 units once or twice a week is fine. But this morning I read an article in the Times which has completely freaked me out – this group (can’t remember exactly whom) are saying that you can have even more alcohol than this in pregnancy and it’s safe. The article also presented the views of groups that say that NO alcohol is safe in pregnancy, and that as little as 1 or 2 glasses of wine can cause the baby to spasm and stuff in the womb, or cause learning difficulties….I so didn’t know THAT!!

Who the hell do I believe?! I thought 1 glass of wine once a week, or fortnight, is fine….turns out it’s probably best to abstain completely. Just to be safe. Hurumph. But my mum drank half a pint of guinness every day that she was pregnant with my brother (back then, it was recommended for low iron levels….)….my brother was born a whopping 10 pounds and is extremely bright; 9 A-grade GCSEs, 3 A-levels (grades AAB)  – he now works as a trader. Is this just a case of people being too anal? I don’t mind giving up alcohol completely; I did until I was about 19 weeks pregnant anyway. But it’s nice to have one occasionally….oh I don’t know. My diet’s really healthy but I still eat pizza, pringles and chocolate, which I probably shouldn’t…..also I’m sure I’ve accidentally eaten raw eggs and other stuff that you’re not supposed to when pregnant!

Baby has been moving and kicking loads as usual this weekend; in the bath yesterday I watched, giggling, as my tummy shook every time he kicked. Bless. One more week and I get a whole week off – it’s my half term holiday. Yipeeeeeeeeee!

It’s been raining hard, non stop, for about 3 hours now. How miserable. We have to clean the house today as well…..ugh. Have a lovely lazy Sunday everyone!

love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxx

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May 21, 2006

I’m dying for a baileys!! And I got into wine just before I got pregnant so I’m gutted! I’ve asked for alcohol to be brought to the hospital when I have the baby, and the funny thing is I’m not much of a drinker anyway! As my mom says, when her generation was pregnant they could do most things – and we turned out ok! Glad you had a lazy day – they’re the best :o) xxx