leaving odland.

I think I’m going to focus entirely on my livejournal (which I don’t really focus on anyway anymore) instead of here. This website won’t let me stay logged in and everytime I visit to sign in, I get adware on my computer and it’s driving me crazy. And you know … I don’t know. I think I’m bored of it. It’s hard to tell. But if you want to keep in touch, atticusfinch@gmail.com and I might pop up now and then. Just not … regularly. I don’t know. THere’s some diaries I really want to keep reading so … yeah.

(I feel like I’m breaking up with someone. This is WEIRD)

So yeah, if you want my AIM name and stuff, you can just e-mail or e-mail to say hey [like a certain someone USED to do; he should do that more often. says me.] or whatever, you know, I don’t know.

Ok, well … bye? For now?

[I’ve had this journal since November of 2001, I’m not going to give up on it totally]


Log in to write a note
September 6, 2007

don’t go away altogether! but i know how it goes, and we ODers will do whatever it takes to stay in touch.

September 6, 2007

don’t go away altogether! but i know how it goes, and we ODers will do whatever it takes to stay in touch.

September 8, 2007

well good luck! stop by sometimes!

September 8, 2007

well good luck! stop by sometimes!

Sadness! *hugs you* I think I have your LJ but I’m not sure… Mine’s evilbill1782

Sadness! *hugs you* I think I have your LJ but I’m not sure… Mine’s evilbill1782

October 3, 2007


October 3, 2007
