I love brownies

I used the winning word in the poll for my journal title.

Also, WW friends? You rock. Seriously. I love you all.

And Suzanne, I love you too.

And I am in love. I’m not sure how, but I am. It’s weird. Nothing like, sexual, just, love. I don’t know. I did mention it was weird. And I don’t know what to do about it.

and i’m sorry it’s not you. really. i just … i’m sorry. i wish i could be

I love Brits. Seriously. I love them, as long as I’m naming things I love. There’s this woman I work with, Michelle, who is terrified of getting on a plane this August because the terrorists that hit the UK are “going to come and try that stuff here”. I told her being afraid is letting the terrorists win and that’s why I love Brits – you know the streets they cordoned off that they found the two cars in? Within half an hour after reopening, they were packed again. A woman was asked why and she said something along the lines of ‘you can’t be afraid’. See? Love them. If that happened here, people would stay indoors for weeks. Fear is a powerful motivator. I say America should take a lesson from the Brits and learn to not be so afraid.

Also, I love Gordon Brown because the Queen asked him to form a government in her name. I know, I’m an American, I’m supposed to be shocked and horrified this happens, but I think it’s cool. ::sticks tongue out::

I love my sister; a few nights ago I was complaining no-one loved me and I was cranky with her earlier and she sent me a text message after she went to bed ‘i wuv you… i pwomise’ so she wins a Best Sister Ever award for that.

I feel like buying the complete West Wing DVDs.

I love the West Wing.

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July 3, 2007

this entry is contagiously happy and wonderful. yay for you.

July 3, 2007

this entry is contagiously happy and wonderful. yay for you.

I love pancakes. FROM WISCONSIN!

I love pancakes. FROM WISCONSIN!

July 7, 2007

Just because we declared independence from them doesn’t mean we still don’t have a lot to learn. I admire England, and most likely always will. And West Wing is WAY cool.

July 7, 2007

Just because we declared independence from them doesn’t mean we still don’t have a lot to learn. I admire England, and most likely always will. And West Wing is WAY cool.