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Immigration shouldn’t be illegal in the fist place. It’s a stupid law.

Immigration shouldn’t be illegal in the fist place. It’s a stupid law.

we got your boxxxxxxxxx today and you are the sweetest sweetie that was ever SWEET! I canna wait to make pancakes and drink whiskey with them. also the damn snowmen make me miss Christmas entirely too much on a day when it’s ninety in the shade. pout. thank you 🙂 you’re too too awesome for words! we <3 you!

we got your boxxxxxxxxx today and you are the sweetest sweetie that was ever SWEET! I canna wait to make pancakes and drink whiskey with them. also the damn snowmen make me miss Christmas entirely too much on a day when it’s ninety in the shade. pout. thank you 🙂 you’re too too awesome for words! we <3 you!