I am the best sister in the world

(and I’ll have several days worth of drabbles up, as a tww_minis fic. Mebbe later tonight, likely tomorrow. But the person for whom they are for likes vignettes, which is what it is)

I’m giving my sister my free green iPod nano when I buy my macbook in two weeks. She’s over the moon; I get to pick the engraving; it’s her Christmas present. I am the best sister in the world.

Do you believe in magic
in a young girl’s heart

And … macbook. You know, since Suzanne named hers after the capital of my state, I should do the same for her. Er, maybe not. Jackson isn’t my idea of a good name for my computer (Jack however, might be, but he has more than one meaning … I’d have to name the iPod Meg …) I need something … safe. Phil would be ok; yeah, I might call him Phil. We’ll have to see what happens when I get him/her home. Like my new iPod.

Dammit, thehousekeeper, you’re on 91 and I’m on 17; let’s get cracking.

Log in to write a note

RYN: What the Hell are you on about? Dude, you have a HOUSEKEEPER. Woah.

RYN: What the Hell are you on about? Dude, you have a HOUSEKEEPER. Woah.

RYN: Yeah? How about this? I only just realised you are a girl. Talk about comedy!

RYN: Yeah? How about this? I only just realised you are a girl. Talk about comedy!