sleep and taxes and family.

The hell that is my 2006 taxes is half over.

Good news: I don’t owe the feds anything.
also Good news: I’m not married, nor was I ever.
Bad news: Being listed as married on my paystubs meant they took less out, meaning I got way less back from the feddies than I should have.

Still, I’ll be getting back about a week’s pay, which is good.

So, Easter was today. And my lame-ass brother didn’t show up. It’s weird, suddenly being a family of four, not five, but hey, if that’s the choice Josh wants to make, fine. I just won’t be there for him when he needs me. Whatever.

One less stresser down, at any rate. Ticking them off my little list. federal taxes. Up next … we’ll see.

Woke up at ten today. Took a five hour nap. It’s not ten pm. Time to go back to bed …

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April 8, 2007

Well, I do hope your rough patch smooths out. And yes, I can imagine that I missed quite a bit in a years time. Either way, Im going to try to be back this time. Maybe, if Im lucky, I wont piss off quite so many people this time around. perhaps… –rye– p.s. Ive been signing my name in lower case and with lines for a couple years now and I just realized I stole it from you.

April 8, 2007

Well, I do hope your rough patch smooths out. And yes, I can imagine that I missed quite a bit in a years time. Either way, Im going to try to be back this time. Maybe, if Im lucky, I wont piss off quite so many people this time around. perhaps… –rye– p.s. Ive been signing my name in lower case and with lines for a couple years now and I just realized I stole it from you.

April 8, 2007

i got 17 dollars from th dc gov and i owed the feds 1000. ACK.

April 8, 2007

i got 17 dollars from th dc gov and i owed the feds 1000. ACK.

April 9, 2007

Yay for never being married!

April 9, 2007

Yay for never being married!

Ugh Taxes! *hugs*ryn: Well it’s all in the perspective of course…! 😉

Ugh Taxes! *hugs*ryn: Well it’s all in the perspective of course…! 😉

April 9, 2007

I heard “Sunflowers” by Evercler today and thought of you. –rye–

April 9, 2007

I heard “Sunflowers” by Evercler today and thought of you. –rye–