Without Benefit of Declaration

Listen here, Joe
Don’t you know
That tomorrow
You got to go
Out yonder where
The steel winds blow?

Listen here, kid,
It’s been said
Tomorrow you’ll be dead
Out there where
The snow is lead.

Don’t ask me why.
Just go ahead and die.
Hidden from the sky
Out yonder you’ll lie:
A medal to your family–
In exchange for
A guy.

Mama, don’t cry.

Langston Hughes

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March 23, 2007

RYN: I just about died laughing when I got your note. I’ve always thought you were a dude! I guess it’s the name – Atticus like the guy from “To Kill A Mocking Bird.” Go figure. Sorry!! Yeah 16 IS late – really late. I’d actually been hoping to get it, feeling like a freak, you know? But now? Damn. Take it back, take it back!!!

March 23, 2007

RYN: I just about died laughing when I got your note. I’ve always thought you were a dude! I guess it’s the name – Atticus like the guy from “To Kill A Mocking Bird.” Go figure. Sorry!! Yeah 16 IS late – really late. I’d actually been hoping to get it, feeling like a freak, you know? But now? Damn. Take it back, take it back!!!