
long story short.

my facebook status update yesterday morning:
fuck it! we’ll do it live. – my attitude to the meeting i ran this morning after procrastinating for days on coming up with an agenda. went pretty well.

my future mother in-law’s (that’s fmil in wedding speak) facebook message to me this mornring:
Hey I hope u have my Mom blocked from ur wall…wouldn’t want her to read the FU word on ur last post. Don’t want her to get bad impression of u! Luv ya 🙂

blargh. this is why you don’t friend family members. it always bites you in the ass.

my first reaction to this was no, i didn’t block my future grandmother in-law from that status because i don’t feel like telling facebook about the handfull of people who may at that point in time be offended by a particular status every time i post. fuck that. it’s 2011 and i’m a grown ass woman. i should be able to say fuck without the fear of giving someone a "bad impression". not to mention that if you’re at all versed in pop culture, you recognize that i’m quoting papa bear o’reily after he went ape shit before a newscast once. technically, i’m not even the one saying fuck. not that that fucking matters.

so what do i do? part of me doesn’t want to apologize and take it back because i’m marrying into that family. they should know that from time to time, i curse.

but part of me also recognizes that clearly my fmil likes me enough to care about the way i represent myself to her family. and i guess that i can appreciate that.

it’s just not in me to give in and play nice. i may have never burned any bras, but i gotta fight for my right, ya know?

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May 27, 2011

I have carefully constructed groups of my FB friends. When you post-click the lock next to share, select the level of privacy you want or you can create a custom selection for any post. So far, I have only gotten bitten in the ass once.

September 13, 2011

LOL! The FIL situation is always so … wierd. I hate censoring myself. I hope you still write! Yours was one diary I missed on my OD hiatus :)And congrats on the engagement! xx