Youtubage: Britain’s Got Talent

Yes, somehow I got addicted to this show. So, here we go with some of the best (and worst)

A man, and his michael Jackson singing monkey:

10 year old Jake Pratt, a fantastic stand up comedian:

I never thought that baton twirling could be this entertaining:

Norma Clark, the rapping granny (yes, seriously!):

This one is not for the sqeamish:

Mike Garbutt, impressionist. Didn’t know which clip to choose, so I chose them both:

The Animated Gospel Choir:

Yeah. If I was her, I’d have run when he said how nervous he was:

This guy is just amazingly strange:

Anyone for a bit of drumming?

Rupert the performing pig:

Yeah. Whoever is telling this guy he can sing, stop it. It’s not a particualrly funny joke:

And finally, the winner. Paul Potts:


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