Random stuff

As you lot know, I use twitter. My ID is williamtheblood

Well, it seems that someone has set up a role play game on twitter based on Buffy. The name of one of characters? WilliamTheBlood

Now, I’ve got nothing against people doing this sort of thing. It’s not my scene but each to their own.

Problem is, I’m getting spammed by replies to the character. I can only assume that they are getting any messages sent to me.

Hmmm. Might have to get in touch with twitter, see if there is anything they can do about it or even if they know a problem like this exists.

I’m absolutely knackered. But that’s my own bloody fault. I’ve been up late every night since Saturday night watching Skins, which is infinity better than I thought it would be. I’m now only 7 episodes away from being fully caught up.

If you are thinking of watching The Blind Side you’ll enjoy it if you realise that the film thinks it’s more profound than it actually is.

I’ve been published! Well, kinda. After the hustings for the Students Union elections last month I wrote an article for the union newspaper about how badly it was run. I didn’t know that they even received it until the new edition came out yesterday and they printed it, along with a rebuttal from the current president.

My writing classes are going well. Have to tidy up a piece of the booklet. (The class runs in three ten week terms. At the end of each we hand a piece of work to our tutor and she gets a little booklet made for us. How cool is that?)

I also have to find a really bizarre reason for someone leaving uni.

Still writing my crime short for a competition. Didn’t help that something that played a big part in it has been taken away. Also found the biblical quote I’m planning to use for it, unless someone here can help me out. This is the quote I’m going to use:

Fathers, provoke not your children, that they be not discouraged.
colossians 3:21

Unless anyone else knows of a better quote about not harming children that is relatively obscure. And short (it’s being tattooed on someone’s chest).

Actually, speaking of writing, I really enjoyed writing my more serious entry (one back). Is that something you would like to see more of in here? If so, any particular topics you would like to suggest?

I applied for a job at a call centre the other day. Well, more like I was forced to by A4e (who seem to think that I only have call centre experience). Got an email back from them saying to call them to arrange an interview or to have a telephone interview.


I’m sorry, but if you think I could work there, you contact me. Why should I have to pay for the phone call for them to interview me?

As it happens, I’m not really that bothered about the job considering it’s a)telesales which I really don’t wanna do and b)the cost of transport will mean that I work my first hour every shift for free.

What’s going on? There’s been a clarification of the rules here on OD and people aren’t screaming censorship? I thought that was the thing to do on this site nowadays…

Finally, a motivator. Why Ace is the best Doctor companion ever:

(She later took out another one using a rocket launcher.)



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March 17, 2010

What a predictable response.

March 17, 2010

What a predictable response.

March 17, 2010

What a predictable response.

March 17, 2010

What a predictable response.

March 17, 2010

ryn: I’m not questioning Ace’s coolness, just quoting McCoy back at you!

March 17, 2010

ryn: I’m not questioning Ace’s coolness, just quoting McCoy back at you!

March 17, 2010

ryn: I’m not questioning Ace’s coolness, just quoting McCoy back at you!

March 17, 2010

ryn: I’m not questioning Ace’s coolness, just quoting McCoy back at you!

March 17, 2010

Who’re you calling small?!

March 17, 2010

Who’re you calling small?!

March 17, 2010

Who’re you calling small?!

March 17, 2010

Who’re you calling small?!

March 17, 2010

ryn: That’s okay!

March 17, 2010

ryn: That’s okay!

March 17, 2010

ryn: That’s okay!

March 17, 2010

ryn: That’s okay!

March 17, 2010

“I’ve been published!” WOOT!!! *high five* RYN: How could I have forgotten the spork! *wails and tears at hair* 🙂 ~Shady

March 17, 2010

“I’ve been published!” WOOT!!! *high five* RYN: How could I have forgotten the spork! *wails and tears at hair* 🙂 ~Shady

March 17, 2010

“I’ve been published!” WOOT!!! *high five* RYN: How could I have forgotten the spork! *wails and tears at hair* 🙂 ~Shady

March 17, 2010

“I’ve been published!” WOOT!!! *high five* RYN: How could I have forgotten the spork! *wails and tears at hair* 🙂 ~Shady

March 18, 2010

RYN: Laser pointers?

March 18, 2010

RYN: Laser pointers?

March 18, 2010

RYN: Laser pointers?

March 18, 2010

RYN: Laser pointers?

March 19, 2010

Yeah they should ring you, I don’t see the point in it all. Would you like a job though? If you want the job probably call them, then you’d have a better income (i assume!?) and you could go to the movie you wanted to see? Awesome photo. Just awesome. 🙂

March 19, 2010

Yeah they should ring you, I don’t see the point in it all. Would you like a job though? If you want the job probably call them, then you’d have a better income (i assume!?) and you could go to the movie you wanted to see? Awesome photo. Just awesome. 🙂

March 19, 2010

Yeah they should ring you, I don’t see the point in it all. Would you like a job though? If you want the job probably call them, then you’d have a better income (i assume!?) and you could go to the movie you wanted to see? Awesome photo. Just awesome. 🙂

March 19, 2010

Yeah they should ring you, I don’t see the point in it all. Would you like a job though? If you want the job probably call them, then you’d have a better income (i assume!?) and you could go to the movie you wanted to see? Awesome photo. Just awesome. 🙂

April 7, 2010

When I went to Collector Mania last year Sophie Aldred was there, and someone asked her about that very incident in the Q&A. :o) (Peter Davison and .. ohh, what’s her name, Mary Tamm were also there for the Q&A) Woot for getting published!

April 7, 2010

When I went to Collector Mania last year Sophie Aldred was there, and someone asked her about that very incident in the Q&A. :o) (Peter Davison and .. ohh, what’s her name, Mary Tamm were also there for the Q&A) Woot for getting published!

April 7, 2010

When I went to Collector Mania last year Sophie Aldred was there, and someone asked her about that very incident in the Q&A. :o) (Peter Davison and .. ohh, what’s her name, Mary Tamm were also there for the Q&A) Woot for getting published!

April 7, 2010

When I went to Collector Mania last year Sophie Aldred was there, and someone asked her about that very incident in the Q&A. :o) (Peter Davison and .. ohh, what’s her name, Mary Tamm were also there for the Q&A) Woot for getting published!