Bloody hellfire!

I don’t know what’s causing it exactly, but lately, whenever I’ve unplugged my laptop to go for a smoke and then plugged it back in, it’s completely and utterly frozen. Meaning I have to perform a hard shutdown. I know it’s not because of the upgrade to Windows 7 as it happened a few times when I was still on Vista.

I also had something annoying happen today. I thought I had to go to Pertemps to speak to my employment coach (still think that’s a bloody stupid job title, BTW). So I dragged myself out of bed and into town for the appointment, got slightly stressed because I thought I was going to be late, signed in, mentioned the appointment, sat down and then, and only then, checked the appointment card. My appointment is for 11am. Tomorrow. GRRRRRRRRRRR! Particularly as I could have done with a wee bit more sleep. So, it’s back in tomorrow. Which means that my plan to get some writing done tomorrow will have to be moved forward to tonight.

I’m going to be working on my locked room mystery short and another piece for submission to a magazine. The other piece has to start with the sentance ‘My life is a sham.’ I think I can do that.

I’m also going to start fleshing out something for TTZ4 just to see if it’ll work and I can make sense of it. I am, of course, assuming there is going to be space in TTZ4 for what I’m writing. Meh. I’ll just go for it.

Oooh. Need to find somewhere to watch the GP this weekend as well.

apart from all that (and still getting the emails from Maplins for jobs well away from Boro) there’s not much happening in my life. So I’ll leave you with the song that I’m currently obsessed with. I stumbled across this through the Time magazine website, aquired the album, listened to it and fell in love with it. (It’s very much like classic Beach Boys). But this is my favourite song on the album. Enjoy.


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June 18, 2009

I’ve got the same problem when I put my laptop to sleep. It’s frozen when it wakes up. However, it clears up in about 30 seconds. I think it’s because my battery is utterly dead, though. (And it’s a Mac, so what do I know? hee.) Take care,

June 18, 2009

I’ve got the same problem when I put my laptop to sleep. It’s frozen when it wakes up. However, it clears up in about 30 seconds. I think it’s because my battery is utterly dead, though. (And it’s a Mac, so what do I know? hee.) Take care,

June 18, 2009

I’ve got the same problem when I put my laptop to sleep. It’s frozen when it wakes up. However, it clears up in about 30 seconds. I think it’s because my battery is utterly dead, though. (And it’s a Mac, so what do I know? hee.) Take care,

ryn: Shut up! I has a shuvel!

ryn: Shut up! I has a shuvel!

ryn: Shut up! I has a shuvel!

June 18, 2009

There’ll be room in TTZ4, I already have you provisionally on the list. I’ll read your stories, too, when you need feedback.

June 18, 2009

There’ll be room in TTZ4, I already have you provisionally on the list. I’ll read your stories, too, when you need feedback.

June 18, 2009

There’ll be room in TTZ4, I already have you provisionally on the list. I’ll read your stories, too, when you need feedback.

June 18, 2009

My life is a shammy. I am a window cleaner. I clean windows. The end. Easy!

June 18, 2009

My life is a shammy. I am a window cleaner. I clean windows. The end. Easy!

June 18, 2009

My life is a shammy. I am a window cleaner. I clean windows. The end. Easy!

June 19, 2009

Fleet Foxes are amazing aren’t they? Me and bf spent the weekend stoned listening to this! Heaven!

June 19, 2009

Fleet Foxes are amazing aren’t they? Me and bf spent the weekend stoned listening to this! Heaven!

June 19, 2009

Fleet Foxes are amazing aren’t they? Me and bf spent the weekend stoned listening to this! Heaven!