Paris’ NOTTIE, Myers’ GURU, Shyamalan’s…

…THE HAPPENING, DISASTER MOVIE and Uwe Boll Rank Among 2008 RAZZIE® Worsts

It wasn’t just the American economy that took a disastrous downturn in 2008 — so did the quality of Hollywood movie-making. Of the 573 films released last year a record 75 rated forum discussions on the official RAZZIE® Awards web site. This plethora of putrid motion pictures proved a double-edged sword — It meant Golden Raspberry Award voters had plenty to choose from — but it also made their task of culling the crud down to a mere five contenders each in nine categories berry complicated. What they selected as nominees for this year’s 29th Annual RAZZIE® Awards is the subject of this press release. The eventual “winners” will be unveiled in intentionally tacky ceremonies set for the now traditional Oscar® eve, Saturday night February 21, 2009 at the Barnsdall Gallery Theatre in Hollywood.

Among the contenders for the Worst Picture are several laugh-free comedies, the year’s most laughable vision of the apocalypse, a pair of puerile parodies, a couple of big budget B.O. bombs, and a decidedly un-romantic “romantic comedy” co-produced by Paris Hilton. The list includes the first ever dual Worst Picture nominees, two films from the same two talent-free writer/directors, both featuring essentially the same cast — those twin towers of pop culture babble, DISASTER MOVIE (which lived up — or down — to its title) and MEET THE SPARTANS (a “parody” of THE 300 which somehow managed to work references to Britney Spears into an ancient Spartan “plot”). Other Worst Picture picks: The latest “mystery with a twist” from that self-important twit (and multiple RAZZIE® “winner”) M. Night Shyamalan, THE HAPPENING, an eco-disaster tale whose “villain” drew more guffaws than gasps; The robotic rom-com THE HOTTIE AND THE NOTTIE copping Hilton three of her four RAZZIE® nominations this year alone as the film’s producer and star; Bad Movie Uber-Meister Uwe Boll’s video-game-based fiasco IN THE NAME OF THE KING: A DUNGEON SIEGE TALE, which grossed under $5 million on a $60 million budget and was also a factor in Boll being selected to receive the first Worst Career Achievement RAZZIE® awarded since 1987. And last (and possibly least) the year’s biggest box office bomb, Mike Myers as a platitude-spouting mystic in the decidedly unloved LOVE GURU. Also singled out for dis-honor: The year’s third-highest-grossing (and most disappointing) movie, INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL, as Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel, 2007 Triple Crown RAZZIE® “winner” Eddie Murphy, back for more abuse in two categories for MEET DAVE; Oscar® winner Al Pacino sporting his third RAZZIE® nomination for both 88 MINUTES and RIGHTEOUS KILL, Pierce Brosnan singing(!) in MAMMA, MIA! as Worst Supporting Actor, Worst Actor choice Larry the Cable Guy, all five top-billed stars of THE WOMEN (jointly vying as Worst Actress)…and more!

Nominees were determined by mailing ballots to 687 voters in 45 U.S. states and 19 foreign countries. The RAZZIES® were created in 1980 as a logical antidote to Tinsel Town’s annual glut of self-congratulatory awards by John Wilson, author of THE OFFICIAL RAZZIE® MOVIE GUIDE and EVERYTHING I KNOW I LEARNED AT THE MOVIES. The Barnsdall Theatre is a facility of the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs.


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Somehow, none of this year’s Razzie nominees surprise me. ~

Somehow, none of this year’s Razzie nominees surprise me. ~

Somehow, none of this year’s Razzie nominees surprise me. ~