In which Will reviews the year. Kinda.

First line of the first entry, last line of the last entry and first note left on my diary for every month this year:

First: Malaysian Health Minister Chua Soi Lek has admitted that he is the man who features in two widely circulated DVDs of an unmarried couple having sex.

Last: Incidently, there were four signs promoting the drinks deal. This was the only one spelt wrongly.

Note: it’s about time someone handed me a drink!!! 😀

Ps: YAY for new cameras!!



First: Enjoy!

Last: Enjoy!

Note: I’ve enjoyed a beer or six in the Ark and the Pittendrum. But I suspect you knew that already! [Ken Fitlike]

First: So, I’ve decided to give this a go.

Last: But I’m also proud that this seems to be the exceptionin the brigade.

Note: Well, 1972 has been awhile, but I didn’t realize it was quite THAT long ago. That would explain a lot, though.
RYN – I started to go put it back on WYSIWYG and then thought, oh, I bet there’s some reason it’s like that so I better not change it!! Anyhow, if you find yourself back over there a link would be great – don’t go out of your way, though. I did at one time know how to do it pre-WYSIWYG but all I remember now is how to insert photos and do bold and italics. [edna million]

First: Yup, it’s that time of year again where i go a bit mad and try and write a script in a month.

Last: *EDIT* What Did Jesus Say?

Note: Luck!
x [Jin Jen]

First: Let me take you back in time.

Last: So, no grand plans then Tone?

Note: this entry was fab! while i always enjoy your news posts, real life tends to be my favorite sort of news : )
way to go, peacekeeper will! [AnotherGirl]

First: Hello there!

Last: Detention for using what?

Note: oh dear me that Count song is just brilliant. I’m still laughing. So great.


First: I had a proper entry planned.

Last: His new novel, “Empire of Lies” (An Otto Penzler Book, Harcourt), is about an ordinary man confronting the war on terror.

Note: Um, it’s easy. It keeps those nice people at tech support feeling like they’re earning their keep. 😉 Didn’t it work that way when you were doing it? *hehehe* ~Shady [A Rather Shady Mogwi]

First: This may be the only interesting thing she has ever done:

Last: OK, so here’s the thing. I’ve just finished a short story and would like people to read it and give me feedback.

Note: God Bless America.
And everybody else. [dear_gertrudeperkins]

First: Film trailer voice over guy has died

Last: Even if the giant venus flytrap’s head did nearly collide with mine.

Note: NOOOO! He was The Awesome! 🙁 ~Shady [A Rather Shady Mogwi]

First: But, just because I was watching it earlier:

Last: Possible video entry tomorrow.

Note: I got this from mercy, darling. Just thought it would be fun. [MegRed84]

First: Forgot to mention it, but the silvery thing in my ear is my mic.

Last: Wheaton that is. He did direct my attention to this:

Note: LOL Everyone should have one! 🙂 [Steven the Rill]

First: I know that I still owe you lot a mega update from Daphne’s visit (and have actually started it, it’s currently saved as a private entry) but health issues and housing problems have prevented me from finishing it

Last: Reminder entry is remindy <—————thataway<————–

Note: tee hee
i haven’t looked at Wil Weaton’s flick pics in ages, wonder if he mentions it there [quine ahin the lens]


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January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

January 2, 2009

Mastrick?? I am not gutted about Woolies-they made me redundent. lol x

January 2, 2009

Mastrick?? I am not gutted about Woolies-they made me redundent. lol x

January 2, 2009

Mastrick?? I am not gutted about Woolies-they made me redundent. lol x