Fun and games.

The battery on my phone died today. And I don’t have a charger at the moment (for reason, see two entries back). Cue much panicking until I remember that I still have my old Lobster phone.

I find the phone and spent about half an hour running around like a blue arsed fly looking for the charger.

Couldn’t find it. Bastard.

I did however find my very old Siemans phone (and the charger) so I’m using that until I can either buy a new charger or I find out what I need to charge my phone on my computer. Whichever happens first.

Then when I phoned my mum for her belated birthday call (I did try to phone on Thursday (her actual birthday) she wasn’t in) she said that she had a spare digital camera that she would send down to me. It sounds like it’s just a cheap giveaway thing but still, better than nothing.

God bless stage6. Some nice person has put every episode of Red Dwarf up there. Yayage!

I had a shower earlier on and now my hair just will not behave itself. Seriously, it’s like Books hair in Jaynestown. Y’know, that hairstyle that freaks River out? Yeah, that one.

Anyway, I’m going to ahve a smoke then some food. Oh yeah, and sleep might be an idea as well.



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you know, you *could* cut it 🙂

you know, you *could* cut it 🙂

September 3, 2007

Glad to hear some people still enjoy the awesomeness that is Red Dwarf. I have them all on DVD, and for the money, the extras were well worth it.

September 3, 2007

Glad to hear some people still enjoy the awesomeness that is Red Dwarf. I have them all on DVD, and for the money, the extras were well worth it.

September 4, 2007

haha – awesome description of your hair!! ha ha. Nice. I’m still so pissed your stuff got nicked. Did you guys figure out who left the door open? xo

September 4, 2007

haha – awesome description of your hair!! ha ha. Nice. I’m still so pissed your stuff got nicked. Did you guys figure out who left the door open? xo

ryn He’s got a brain, he just doesn’t use it. That’s what pisses me off and make him look stupid. ~

ryn He’s got a brain, he just doesn’t use it. That’s what pisses me off and make him look stupid. ~

^^*makes. Jeez, I’m so angry at him I can’t even type. ~

^^*makes. Jeez, I’m so angry at him I can’t even type. ~

September 17, 2007

Now I know why I don’t use cel phones either. I’ll never look at a retreating bluefly without thinking of

September 17, 2007

Now I know why I don’t use cel phones either. I’ll never look at a retreating bluefly without thinking of