To be sick or not sick…….

That was my decision this morning, actually all week.  But I cant go thru with it.  I cannot tell a lie. wakka wakka 

Tomorrow is Friday but in reality I wish it was today.  Today is the girls last day of school, although they are year round they will go back on track on the 10th of July and go off track in August.  How dumb huh?  I found out last night that Beatriz teacher will be Pricillas teacher.  Pricilla got changed, which is good cause I just think Mr. Payne is so HOT.  I mean when I was in 5th grade oh my gosh I had this cute awesome hot teacher.  I use to make his class misserable.  I was the class clown you can say, I liked getting detention just so I can be making him laugh.  He gave me attention, use to talk to me and tell me I was funny he was nice.  I forgot his name, I use to go to International Elementary School over in Long Beach.  Really close to the beach too.. Not that its pretty cause the water there really is awfull so dirty.  Back to Pricilla, well yeah besides him being cute he is a nice teacher and I dont know how but he got Beatriz modivated, what her other teachers couldnt do.  Beatriz now enjoys math!

So yesterday I went home and did all the cleaning and meals for today.  I’m beat, I dont know how I do it. 

Dont know what we’ll be doing for 4th of July yet,  the church is having a picnic but I dont want to go just cause I know David will be acting his terrible two’s. We went to Stater Bros. last night and he was screaming, I had to get out and give the money to Beatriz so she can pay for the snack she was going to take to school.  We got in the car and he was still crying.  I was mad… pulling my hair out he was mad too but his problem was that I didnt let him run around in the store, I’m thinking of getting one of those things that attaches you to the toddler that way if he runs I will just pull him back. I need patience when ever he acts this way I thin about it and believe me gettting the tubes burnt makes me happy….


Have a good Thursday everyone…. Gotta get my coffee   female coffee drinker 

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June 28, 2007

I love the smileys. They are so cute. I would have loved to call out sick today as well. I am stil tired from the trip. We have no idea what we are doing for the 4th either.

June 28, 2007

I love the smileys. They are so cute. I would have loved to call out sick today as well. I am stil tired from the trip. We have no idea what we are doing for the 4th either.

June 28, 2007

ahhh the memories of terrible twos lol. Don’t worry it’ll be over soon. I wish I could call off sick tomorrow too, but I feel ya about that truth. I have some projects I need to wrap up tomorrow anyway so I can’t call off I’d just be at home working anyways lol.

June 28, 2007

ahhh the memories of terrible twos lol. Don’t worry it’ll be over soon. I wish I could call off sick tomorrow too, but I feel ya about that truth. I have some projects I need to wrap up tomorrow anyway so I can’t call off I’d just be at home working anyways lol.

June 28, 2007

Cameron never had terrible twos- it was more like his 3rd year that made me want to scream… and then it lasted 3 years…

June 28, 2007

Cameron never had terrible twos- it was more like his 3rd year that made me want to scream… and then it lasted 3 years…