Fathers Day;glad its over

Hi everyone,  I’m alright just computer down here at work.  I’m glad Fathers Day is over I hate this holiday.  I dont know why maybe cause I didnt have a father around well I did my step but in reality I dont really care much for him.  All men in my life have hurt me, all men who I trusted once have hurt me.  SO I hate fathers day.  But now I’m glad I have a good husband who deserves a present for this holiday but just cause I hate it he doesnt get nothing out of me.  He knows it, he understands me, I just feel bad for him.  I pray that someday I’ll forget about everything that I have been thru but I was hurt by those people who I once cared for.

My mom came to visit on Saturday, she is such a hyprocrit, she had the never to tell me that since I met J I dont go out much just work and come home.  She said that since I met J I dont go out with her and spend time with her.  She also said family is first I told her my kids and my husband is my family.  I dont want to spend or be with her I just want to be with my kids and my husband.  I told her why be around her if all she says is negative stuff.  We just argued again I told her all I want to do right now is go to church spent time with the kids and my husband.  She said your sister and I are your family. I said no I dont care for my sister at all she said leave the past behind.  Yeah easy for her I really feel like I dont belong with this family.  I feel like I was adopted, heck I wish I was! !  J says that I dont belong with them he thought at first I was adopted. LOL

Reality I wasnt, I want to live far from them, I want to go far away from my family but I need my mom to babysitt  my kids right now.  I pay her to watch the kids at home besides my mom is so greedy she watches the kids for the $$$$.  I love J and the kids alot I will not give attention to my mom instead of my kids.  My mom is so weird, she makes me upset!

Anyhow changing the subject which I dont know if it made any sense, my body aches.  I’m so tired, I need to lay down and just think positive things.  Oh I received my books for the accounting course I’m taking.  I started reading the introduction part. 

I went to Kohls on Friday and Sunday I spent all together $160 but I bought the girls stuff and myself and J.  Nothing for David except some wiggles sheets for his bed. 

J and I did a barbecue over the weekend for the girls.  OH and my mom like always the negative mouth she has, did this rude face like she didnt like the food.  She always makes mean remarks like that. Everyone else loved the food they said nice stuff they ate alot.  My mom sometimes I think she’s jealous of me.  I dont know I might be wrong but I feel like she is.

WELL have a good Monday everyone! Later.

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ryn: Thanks, you too! 🙂

ryn: Thanks, you too! 🙂