Another beatifull day

It’s just so nice to see the sun and a clear sky. Gosh the amazing things that GOD does in our lifes. Yesterday I got here at work and just prayed for the day to go better. By gosh it did, I have no complains, I put my foot down and told them what I wanted to do and not do and now I understand my position here and what I will be doing. I felt good about myself! Lets just say I went home driving smiling at everyone. Its just so nice I tell you.

The happiness I have I wish it to everyone. That chic didnt even play her spanish music, needless to say that reggo stuff I dont even know what its called. Anyhow I’m just thankfull for so many things in my life. Its going to get better I know so, have faith and things will fall in its place thats what I started to say since the beginning of this year.

Sure we all have our ups and down but lets make the most of them.

In other news income tax time, I will be going and getting them done on Friday. Hopefully I’ll make an appointment with the gal I go do them with. Lets see if I have to pay or what.

I wore open toe shoes today and I dont even have my toes all pretty, I really hate my toes. I wish I had pretty toes like some people do.

The most embarrasing thing happend at church Sunday. I went to the restroom and I walked in on this gal. I told her sorry but the restroom wasnt looked I was totally embarrased. I cant face her now, she said oh its ok I’m like no I’m reallllllllllllllllllllly sorry I should have looked down and see if someone was there but I was in a hurry you know when you just have to go……

well have a good one…

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February 6, 2007

I hate when that happens. It is really cold here today. 17°. Too cold for me.

February 6, 2007

I hate when that happens. It is really cold here today. 17°. Too cold for me.

February 6, 2007
February 6, 2007

I’m so glad you had a good day. Prayer does work! Yay!

I’m so glad you had a good day. Prayer does work! Yay!