Still waking up at night…….

Needless to say more, Josie is still waking up at night. But this time to an awfull drea, that someone killed this big fat huge rat! Thats not all but they chopped the head off. Just grosses me out to talk about it but this was my dream. Now when I dream rats to me something is up! I just need to beware of my surroundings.

J got home and said there was a dead cat right on the side of my car. He said all of its stomach insides were outside and so he laughed when he saw me get in the car thru the passengers side. I told him to move it away with a shovel, he said he would but later. I think thats just wrong to kill a cat and leave it there I would move it to the side or I dont know try to cover it? Beats me I’m just grossed out. First the rat then the cat ughhhh.

So this old friend of the boss here at work came yesterday and she will doing work instructions for everyone including the one of the guy that I will be replacing. But now its going to take two gals to replace that guy. Myself and this other crazy old gal. I’m still floating in lalalalala land.

Last night J and I had a really good cuddling, need I to say more? It went well, but afterwards I got upset at him since he hasnt paid the rent he went and paid the bills instead of the rent I told him rent is priority. He said we were going to be charged late charges if we didnt pay the bills. I told him that the landlord doesnt wait with rent so in the future that is priority. Sometimes I need to explain to him certain things which drives me nuts because I expect him to know more since he is older.

Valentines day is coming and I hate it! The reason being I have never had a great Valentines day. NEVER! I hate it, why cant we skip all this stuff and go to Easter.

I’m glad its Friday I dont want to be here at all today. Have a good one people.

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February 2, 2007

I hate rats!! I hate dreaming about them. They are so gross. Make him clean up that cat ASAP. That is just sick. YAY for cuddling. :o) Have a great weekend!!

February 2, 2007

I hate rats!! I hate dreaming about them. They are so gross. Make him clean up that cat ASAP. That is just sick. YAY for cuddling. :o) Have a great weekend!!

nope when they are unsigned i have NO way of knowing who writes what!

nope when they are unsigned i have NO way of knowing who writes what!

February 2, 2007

can honestly say never had a rat dream. but have had dreams with ex wife and ex mil- so I guess sort of same thing. 🙂 Bummer about not sleeping thru the nite. Hate that. Good luck at work and have a great weekend.

February 2, 2007

can honestly say never had a rat dream. but have had dreams with ex wife and ex mil- so I guess sort of same thing. 🙂 Bummer about not sleeping thru the nite. Hate that. Good luck at work and have a great weekend.

So YOU’RE the one who left that note on my diary about running over cats on purpose! GOSH…I thought you were SO NICE until now!! 😛

So YOU’RE the one who left that note on my diary about running over cats on purpose! GOSH…I thought you were SO NICE until now!! 😛