
For once in my life I cannot speak, yes miracles I guess for some people.  But for me hell, my throat still hurts and I have a cough like a dog. Ever heard a dog cough? Well thats me right now. I didnt want to come into work but heck cant ruin the reputation of being absent when you just started.

Even though I am not like this job I am going to stick to it for a while. Needless to say more if something tragic happens that I dislike I will quit and go with a temp agency but for right now I have no choice but to stick with this job and just pray. For those who do pray please pray for me I need alot of praying for my work, health and finances.

In other news, theres this lady here that she has this saying, " meanwhile back at the ranch, I am still fighting the indians". She gets on my nerves with that saying! Why she says it beats me but she just says this constantly.

Good thing I cant talk today because otherwise I would be telling her something. I dont feel great today, I went to get a shot because we all know how sick I get with my tonsils. I got out of bed last night and threw up and this morning to. Its awfull I tell you.  But I am glad I at least dont have a cold, I hate blowing my nose in public.

I have let myself down again. I dont fix myself up I have refused to pluck my eyebrows I’m letting them grow. I havent dyed my hair in the longest I feel just so bad and blah. I hate when my mood swings kick in, feel crappy.

Well I hate to have to leave you all with this lame entry but I dont have much to say today. Just *cough,cough*.

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January 30, 2007

when I was sick a couple of weeks ago I totally lost my voice. It didnt come back until Friday. I sounded awful, you can ask anyone that talked to me. My brother called me “Squeaky”. I drank lots of tea with honey. Hope you get rid of the kennel cough soon.

January 30, 2007

when I was sick a couple of weeks ago I totally lost my voice. It didnt come back until Friday. I sounded awful, you can ask anyone that talked to me. My brother called me “Squeaky”. I drank lots of tea with honey. Hope you get rid of the kennel cough soon.

January 30, 2007

i hope you feel better soon

January 30, 2007

i hope you feel better soon

January 30, 2007

I hope you feel better soon!! ((HUGS))

January 30, 2007

I hope you feel better soon!! ((HUGS))

For some reason I’m bettin J likes you with your voice gone! 😛 Thanks for your note…you’re very, very sweet! XOXOXO Michele

For some reason I’m bettin J likes you with your voice gone! 😛 Thanks for your note…you’re very, very sweet! XOXOXO Michele